GO:0004820: glycine-tRNA ligase activity (Molecular function)

"Catalysis of the reaction: ATP + glycine + tRNA(Gly) = AMP + diphosphate + glycyl-tRNA(Gly)." [EC:]

There are 281 sequences with this label.

Enriched clusters
Name Species % in cluster p-value corrected p-value action
Cluster_93 Brassica rapa 0.93 % 0.002616 0.013122
Cluster_9 Lactuca sativa 1.05 % 0.004877 0.013849
Cluster_72 Marchantia polymorpha 0.66 % 0.007775 0.043673
Sequences (281) (download table)

InterPro Domains

GO Terms

Family Terms