GO:0007186: G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway (Biological process)

"The series of molecular signals initiated by a ligand binding to its receptor, in which the activated receptor promotes the exchange of GDP for GTP on the alpha-subunit of an associated heterotrimeric G-protein complex. The GTP-bound activated alpha-G-protein then dissociates from the beta- and gamma-subunits to further transmit the signal within the cell. The pathway begins with receptor-ligand interaction, and ends with regulation of a downstream cellular process. The pathway can start from the plasma membrane, Golgi or nuclear membrane." [GOC:bf, GOC:mah, PMID:16902576, PMID:24568158, Wikipedia:G_protein-coupled_receptor]

There are 1605 sequences with this label.

Enriched clusters
Name Species % in cluster p-value corrected p-value action
Cluster_347 Brassica rapa 20.0 % 0.002686 0.034923
Cluster_744 Brassica rapa 50.0 % 0.001075 0.012905
Cluster_268 Brassica rapa 3.28 % 0.000496 0.00242
Cluster_525 Brassica rapa 50.0 % 0.001075 0.004302
Cluster_27 Marchantia polymorpha 1.9 % 0.000428 0.009325
Sequences (1605) (download table)

Info: GO-associations disabled for items with more than 300 associated sequences !
InterPro Domains

Family Terms