GO:0005744: TIM23 mitochondrial import inner membrane translocase complex (Cellular component)

"The protein transport machinery of the mitochondrial inner membrane that typically transports proteins that possess a matrix-targeting N-terminal presequence. The TIM23 complex contains three essential Tim proteins: Tim17 and Tim23 are thought to build a preprotein translocation channel while Tim44 interacts transiently with the matrix heat-shock protein Hsp70 to form an ATP-driven import motor." [PMID:27554484, PMID:8851659]

There are 114 sequences with this label.

Enriched clusters
Name Species % in cluster p-value corrected p-value action
Cluster_244 Brassica rapa 1.33 % 0.003664 0.031142
Cluster_216 Brassica rapa 0.99 % 0.004932 0.030416
Cluster_68 Lactuca sativa 1.04 % 0.002467 0.036515
Cluster_103 Spinacia oleracea 1.05 % 0.002724 0.027785
Sequences (114) (download table)

InterPro Domains

GO Terms

Family Terms