Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr Mp4g01070.1 microtubule orientation regulator *(CLASP). regulatory protein of microtubule orientation *(CLASP) ATCLASP, CLASP 0.8651526093088282 6 Mp7g12110.1 component *(uL11c) of large plastid ribosomal-subunit proteome PRPL11 0.8535563295035464 63 Mp1g02740.1 glycosyltransferase (QUA1) involved in pectin-dependent cell adhesion GAUT8, QUA1 0.8459458523795548 42 Mp1g17030.1 LHCII-stabilizing factor *(SEP3) LIL3:2 0.8353138347013557 22 Mp3g08580.1 not classified 0.8344291117339323 69 Mp7g18250.1 EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group. LRR-VII protein kinase IRK 0.8320767458590849 32 Mp1g20960.1 assembly factor involved in RuBisCo assembly *(RAF1) RKS10, ELG, ATSERK3, BAK1, ATBAK1, SERK3 0.8309032476486515 16 Mp7g08350.1 pectin methyltransferase *(QUA2) involved in pectin-dependent cell adhesion QUL2 0.8303842411825234 8 Mp5g10330.1 not classified emb1354, CDC48C 0.8287955424036745 12 Mp1g27080.1 not classified AGL92 0.8238547373232398 42 Mp5g20470.1 chaperone *(Hsp60). subunit alpha of Cpn60 chaperonin complex. subunit alpha of CPN60 assembly chaperone heterodimer ARC2, CH-CPN60A, SLP, CPN60A, Cpn60alpha1, CPNA1 0.8212483284070412 11 Mp1g11790.1 typical 2-Cys peroxiredoxin *(2-CysPrx). EC_1.11 oxidoreductase acting on peroxide as acceptor 2CPA 0.8208240319662041 96 Mp3g18100.1 RsmD-type rRNA methyltransferase 0.8206344684674314 29 Mp8g17190.1 2-keto acid transporter *(BAT) BASS2 0.8180661083126465 75 Mp8g06540.1 LRR-VII protein kinase. EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group 0.8170043535130771 16 Mp5g10340.1 not classified CAC1-A, CAC1A, CAC1, BCCP1, BCCP, BCCP-1 0.8138589981006283 17 Mp3g22450.1 EC_3.1 hydrolase acting on ester bond. inositol-phosphate monophosphatase *(IMPL) IMPL1 0.8052654312997428 90 Mp1g22930.1 component *(SUF-C) of plastidial SUF system assembly phase ABCI6, ATNAP7, NAP7 0.8011160571665191 22 Mp1g22870.1 not classified 0.7997020849383825 85 Mp2g09760.1 component *(cpSRP43) of thylakoid membrane SRP insertion system LDL3 0.7971139020268674 64 Mp2g19780.1 proton:potassium cation antiporter *(KEA) KEA1, ATKEA1 0.794234503374354 33 Mp7g01880.1 EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group. LRR-VI-2 protein kinase 0.7903161479619731 36 Mp8g07230.1 not classified MLLR1, LLR1 0.7850923683635253 60 Mp3g16410.1 not classified FNRL 0.7835357851385695 76 Mp7g10640.1 A1-class (Pepsin) protease. EC_3.4 hydrolase acting on peptide bond (peptidase) CDR1 0.758076826717973 61 Mp7g10630.1 not classified 0.75375697946818 66 Mp3g21600.1 P3A-type proton-translocating ATPase *(AHA) HA1, OST2, AHA1, PMA 0.7485326760615569 75 Mp4g21140.1 chlorophyllide a oxygenase *(CAO) CH1, ATCAO, CAO 0.7463621620778814 80 Mp1g04570.1 EC_2.1 transferase transferring one-carbon group. methyl-tetrahydrofolate-dependent methionine synthase ATCIMS, METS1, ATMETS, ATMS1 0.7442723555977199 88 Mp2g15860.1 XRN4-exoribonuclease cofactor *(LARP1) LARP1a, AtLARP1a 0.7428893899228538 92