Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr Spov3_chr1.02888 not classified ATPRP40A, PRP40A 0.6758754392544878 55 Spov3_chr4.03226 not classified AtTRM5b, TRM5b 0.6598255183409563 60 Spov3_chr4.03510 not classified AtHMP10 0.659825518340956 60 Spov3_chr3.02252 not classified PQT3 0.6598255183409558 60 Spov3_chr3.04987 not classified 0.6598255183409558 60 Spov3_chr2.00329 component *(COX6b) of cytochrome c oxidase complex ATCOX6B2, COX6B 0.6598255183409557 60 Spov3_chr4.02354 not classified ASHR2, SDG39 0.6598255183409556 60 Spov3_chr5.03081 not classified 0.6598255183409556 60 Spov3_chr2.01452 not classified CHX7, ATCHX7 0.6598255183409553 60 Spov3_chr2.03539 not classified SAP3 0.6598255183409553 60 Spov3_chr2.04418 not classified 0.6598255183409552 60 Spov3_chr2.05659 not classified 0.659825518340955 60 Spov3_chr1.04112 not classified CRK8 0.6598255183409549 60 Spov3_chr1.03289 not classified SES1 0.6598255183409546 60 Spov3_chr6.01799 not classified 0.6598255183409544 60 Spov3_chr2.03479 not classified 0.6598255183409543 60 Spov3_chr3.00171 not classified MEF20 0.6598255183409542 60 Spov3_chr5.03169 not classified XIK, XI-17, ATXIK, XI-K 0.659825518340954 60 Spov3_chr3.00381 not classified MUS81, ATMUS81 0.6598255183409537 60 Spov3_C0010.00002 not classified UGT76E11 0.6598255183409535 60 Spov3_chr4.00795 not classified 0.6598255183409534 60 Spov3_chr6.02385 not classified ATHSFA1E, HSFA1E 0.6598255183409532 60 Spov3_C0737.00004 not classified CBL1, ATCBL1, SCABP5 0.659824407577776 60 Spov3_chr3.04337 not classified BTL12, CIP8 0.6353253948349525 58 Spov3_chr4.01342 not classified ATPRP40A, PRP40A 0.6315565134547645 63 Spov3_C0038.00004 IP-type-cytokinin synthase *(IPT). EC_2.5 transferase transferring alkyl or aryl group, other than methyl group ATIPT5, IPT5 0.619243558564475 60 Spov3_chr2.00440 not classified 0.6171268800543356 63 Spov3_chr3.01533 not classified 0.601558989741148 59 Spov3_chr6.03167 component *(U11/U12-25K) of U11/U12 snRNP complex 0.5985921229993901 46 Spov3_chr2.00688 not classified 0.5834513086096893 61 Spov3_chr2.04477 not classified G7, CER4, FAR3 0.5746180651081187 60 Spov3_chr6.02478 not classified 0.565281007847167 84 Spov3_chr1.01635 EC_2.3 acyltransferase HCT 0.5620311691753243 85 Spov3_chr6.03196 not classified REIL2, FZF, STCH4 0.5614051238675613 61 Spov3_chr1.01991 not classified GLR3.6, ATGLR3.6 0.559508817881072 64 Spov3_chr4.02899 not classified MTV2, BP80-2;1, MTV4, VSR4, VSR2;1 0.5497837434809513 65 Spov3_C0070.00003 FRS/FRF-type transcription factor FRS3 0.5459079758120761 37 Spov3_chr2.03814 not classified ATPRP40A, PRP40A 0.5313746511792168 73 Spov3_chr2.03664 not classified FRS3 0.5285870512179128 90 Spov3_chr6.02594 not classified YSL8 0.5255334804844914 70 Spov3_chr2.02589 not classified 0.5182528907629074 59 Spov3_chr1.01530 not classified 0.5174327659529273 66 Spov3_C0029.00027 not classified MED13, GCT, MAB2 0.5147100433140136 43 Spov3_chr5.01731 not classified 0.5010116267792861 45 Spov3_chr6.02912 not classified 0.5005142232515499 68 Spov3_chr5.02761 not classified MAKR2 0.4968681866426507 95 Spov3_chr2.01893 not classified 0.4941806582394609 71 Spov3_chr3.01596 not classified ATXR3, SDG2 0.49220806203588735 69 Spov3_chr6.02933 not classified GA20OX4, ATGA20OX4 0.4876654634312604 78 Spov3_chr5.04358 not classified REM16 0.48766546343126027 78 Spov3_chr2.02366 not classified PDX1, ATPDX1.3, ATPDX1, PDX1.3, RSR4 0.4876654634312602 78 Spov3_chr1.01657 not classified 0.48766546343126 78 Spov3_chr5.04413 not classified VLG 0.48766546343126 78 Spov3_chr3.00930 not classified PGF12 0.4876654634312598 78 Spov3_C0011.00073 not classified 0.4876654634312598 78 Spov3_chr2.02006 DDX6-type mRNA helicase *(RH12/RH8) RH8, ATRH8 0.48766546343125944 78 Spov3_chr1.01952 not classified ATGCP3, GCP3, ATSPC98, SPC98 0.48766546343125944 78 Spov3_chr1.02443 DDX6-type mRNA helicase *(RH12/RH8) RH8, ATRH8 0.48766546343125944 78 Spov3_chr6.01968 not classified GLIP5 0.4876654634312592 78 Spov3_chr5.03570 not classified ATSMC4, SMC2, ATCAP-E1, TTN3 0.487665463431259 78 Spov3_chr2.03835 not classified GGL22 0.48766546343125894 78 Spov3_chr3.03152 not classified GGL22 0.48766546343125894 78 Spov3_chr6.02369 not classified VPS3, MTV10 0.48766546343125866 78 Spov3_chr3.01196 not classified 0.48766546343125855 78 Spov3_chr4.01775 not classified WRKY27, ATWRKY27 0.4870474243458489 78 Spov3_chr3.03520 not classified 0.4854159443249132 68 Spov3_chr3.03763 FRS/FRF-type transcription factor PERK1, ATPERK1 0.48477019230890894 90 Spov3_C0373.00001 mTERF-type transcription factor EMB93, SOLDAT10 0.47944113605062777 79 Spov3_chr2.00677 EC_3.2 glycosylase BGLU1 0.471327436169395 73 Spov3_chr2.04551 not classified 0.47079175513697724 74 Spov3_chr3.01692 not classified 0.46859170078272544 89 Spov3_C0062.00008 not classified 0.45544324523256724 99 Spov3_C0130.00001 not classified 0.44423765854516295 86 Spov3_chr1.05093 not classified 0.4433190109930044 83 Spov3_C0003.00038 not classified PNH, AGO10, ZLL 0.44093869582588713 84 Spov3_C0014.00040 not classified 0.4402244173971514 85 Spov3_chr6.00724 not classified SL5, HULK1 0.4348696304461685 87 Spov3_chr5.03559 not classified SLK2 0.4304324362178326 89 Spov3_chr3.02647 not classified SIRK1 0.42846385988771 91 Spov3_chr5.02852 not classified ROPGEF14, ATROPGEF14 0.42756995104899254 92 Spov3_chr4.00211 1,2-beta-galactosyltransferase *(MUR3-like) GT11 0.4257163396615008 94 Spov3_chr3.01802 not classified 0.42537546485213634 95 Spov3_chr1.01532 not classified flot2 0.41786232165825093 99 Spov3_chr6.02468 not classified URGT6 0.417720173341155 100