Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr Bra010678 EC_1.14 oxidoreductase acting on paired donor with incorporation or reduction of molecular oxygen CYP96A11 0.8493832129184095 5 Bra012220 not classified RLP50, AtRLP50 0.8074211256772192 12 Bra009779 not classified GLR1.4, ATGLR1.4 0.7845998260854339 23 Bra041022 MADS/AGL-type transcription factor FEM111, AGL80 0.7632592958817771 33 Bra038906 CrlRLK1 protein kinase. EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group. RALF-peptide receptor *(CrRLK1L) FER 0.7473839383610215 100 Bra027045 not classified AFB5 0.7380968444074568 10 Bra003536 RopGEF guanine nucleotide exchange factor *(PRONE) ROPGEF12, ATROPGEF12, MEE64 0.7209920229374172 25 Bra015504 EC_2.4 glycosyltransferase. callose synthase atgsl7, gsl07, ATGSL07, GSL07, GSL7, CalS7 0.7206918235027999 20 Bra021851 not classified CRD1 0.7131372994474838 29 Bra007880 not classified KICP-02 0.6963875520904362 27 Bra009855 not classified PP2-B7, AtPP2-B7 0.6961007077493844 28 Bra021782 not classified DOR 0.6896638722491609 61 Bra021779 HD-ZIP IV-type transcription factor HDG3 0.6817667337810472 35 Bra040866 not classified 0.6812307824857066 37 Bra011102 not classified 0.6782712839558354 43 Bra023073 not classified PEG5 0.6782712839558354 43 Bra003327 not classified 0.6782712839558351 43 Bra004825 not classified VQ18 0.678271283955835 43 Bra024466 EC_1.3 oxidoreductase acting on CH-CH group of donor. flavoprotein component *(SDH1) of succinate dehydrogenase complex SDH1-2 0.6782712839558349 44 Bra017028 REM-type transcription factor 0.6782712839558349 45 Bra029357 not classified TET12 0.6782712839558348 46 Bra030440 not classified 0.6782712839558346 47 Bra017728 EC_5.5 intramolecular lyase. chalcone isomerase CHI, AtCHI, A11, TT5, CFI 0.6782712839558346 48 Bra021625 UMF23-type solute transporter 0.6782712839558346 49 Bra023535 not classified GLIP7 0.6782712839558345 50 Bra019287 not classified HTB7 0.6733529300025639 54 Bra009801 not classified 0.6732301947066363 55 Bra009821 not classified 0.6706608901606341 56 Bra029838 not classified 0.6699756597834743 57 Bra013220 not classified 0.6657747736209645 59 Bra036842 lignin peroxidase PRX36, PER36 0.6639095759824181 62 Bra020473 not classified EST4, ATMRP2, MRP2, AtABCC2, ABCC2 0.6633968535878451 63 Bra033341 not classified ATG13a 0.6597081500548905 69 Bra036715 not classified 0.6589892781499654 80 Bra032776 not classified TCX7 0.6589421654690303 72