Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr Spov3_chr1.03994 protein factor *(PRPF8/SUS2) of MAC spliceosome-associated complex SUS2, EMB177, EMB33, PRP8, EMB14 0.9219188560083453 1 Spov3_chr3.00027 component *(THOC2/Tho2) of mRNP trafficking THO subcomplex EMB2793, AtTHO2, THO2 0.8831622027334309 5 Spov3_chr1.04560 not classified CC1 0.8779633412173655 3 Spov3_chr1.04807 component *(DDP) of ISWI chromatin remodeling complex. PHD finger transcription factor PTM, DDP1 0.8728212602629921 5 Spov3_chr4.00004 methionine-tRNA ligase. EC_6.1 ligase forming carbon-oxygen bond 0.8585978416745229 18 Spov3_chr2.01394 component *(NRPB2) of RNA polymerase II complex EMB1989, NRPB2, RPB2 0.8548508693944588 6 Spov3_chr6.01962 SSU processome assembly factor *(UTP12) 0.850407010369866 33 Spov3_chr3.03137 susceptibility factor *(EXA1) EXA1 0.8485650147174081 13 Spov3_C0023.00025 regulatory protein *(BIG) of auxin transport CRM1, ASA1, BIG, DOC1, TIR3, UMB1, LPR1 0.8476500901413674 36 Spov3_chr3.01294 exoribonuclease *(RRP44a) RRP44A, AtRRP44A, EMB2763 0.8473682259888269 10 Spov3_S04.00017 core adaptor component *(DDB1) of CUL4-based E3 ubiquitin ligase complexes. core adaptor component *(DDB1) of CUL4-based E3 ubiquitin ligase complexes DDB1A 0.8464531371150719 11 Spov3_chr2.04247 component *(SF3B2) of splicing factor 3B complex 0.8457046233852517 12 Spov3_chr3.03700 not classified 0.845590946336614 24 Spov3_chr1.03167 scaffold nucleoporin of nuclear pore complex PRE, NUP96, MOS3, SAR3 0.844583232637841 14 Spov3_chr6.01105 subcluster I phosphatase 0.842605746165139 15 Spov3_C0081.00001 C2-class (Phytocalpain) calcium-activated protease EMB80, EMB1275, ATDEK1, DEK1 0.8368863837307422 57 Spov3_chr2.02071 component *(CWC22) of MAC spliceosome-associated complex 0.8356487183318584 22 Spov3_chr3.03814 scaffold nucleoporin of nuclear pore complex *(NUP155) NUP155 0.8316969689171568 19 Spov3_chr2.04252 regulatory protein *(MOR1) involved in microtubule dynamics GEM1, MOR1 0.8285328670916386 20 Spov3_C0054.00018 not classified PDP2 0.828378602083145 59 Spov3_chr6.00859 not classified 0.8252520388331019 22 Spov3_chr4.00398 ATPase component *(PIE1) of SWR1 chromatin remodeling complex chr13, SRCAP, PIE1 0.8250628326754608 23 Spov3_chr2.04253 chromatin remodeling factor *(Mot1). TATA box-binding protein-associated factor *(MOT1) RGD3, CHA16, BTAF1, ATBTAF1, CHR16 0.8235989989621167 24 Spov3_chr3.04428 not classified EMB1611, MEE22, UMB 0.8234901523053008 31 Spov3_chr5.00998 component *(MED12) of kinase module of MEDIATOR transcription co-activator complex CCT, CRP, MED12 0.8225590401535614 48 Spov3_chr1.03416 exoribonuclease *(RAT1/XRN2) AtXRN3, XRN3 0.8201955095115991 27 Spov3_chr6.02022 component *(Pcf11) of Cleavage Factor II (CF-IIm) complex 0.8187521438219282 28 Spov3_chr5.02637 component *(VIP6/CTR9) of PAF1C transcription initiation and elongation complex ELF8, NRF2, VIP6 0.8181010756761546 38 Spov3_chr4.03565 scaffold nucleoporin of nuclear pore complex *(NUP160) SAR1, NUP160, ATNUP160 0.8175477838468699 30 Spov3_chr1.01921 class-III histone methyltransferase *(Trx) ATXR3, SDG2 0.8137568164510184 98 Spov3_chr3.05188 component *(CPSF160/Yhh1) of Cleavage and Polyadenylation Specificity Factor (CPSF) complex ATCPSF160, CPSF160 0.8125506696136867 43 Spov3_chr5.02273 component *(SF3A1) of splicing factor 3A complex 0.8111253706954353 40 Spov3_chr2.00828 histone demethylase *(KDM5) JMJ17 0.8099994151519223 35 Spov3_chr5.00761 not classified 0.8098357002411534 36 Spov3_chr3.03362 nucleocytoplasmic import karyopherin *(IMB3) IMB3, KETCH1, EMB2734 0.8071771786887038 38 Spov3_chr4.00624 not classified 0.8071614748554137 39 Spov3_chr3.05145 component *(SMC6) of homologous recombination repair Smc5-Smc6 complex MIM, ATRAD18, SMC6B 0.8056486193424518 40 Spov3_chr5.02824 component *(MED13) of kinase module of MEDIATOR transcription co-activator complex MED13, GCT, MAB2 0.8055654139553063 41 Spov3_chr5.01247 substrate adaptor *(-DILLO) of SCF E3 ubiquitin ligase complex FBX5, ARABIDILLO-1, ARABIDILLO1 0.8046768074800226 42 Spov3_chr4.01029 not classified emb1579, RSA1 0.8035877560360337 43 Spov3_chr6.02633 component *(eIF4G) of eIF4F mRNA unwinding complex EIF4G, CUM2 0.8025850381471413 45 Spov3_chr6.01742 deubiquitinase *(UBP12-13). deubiquitinase *(UBP12-13) UBP12, AtUBP12 0.8017615056891332 46 Spov3_chr3.03345 sRNA cargo-loading helicase *(RH11/37) of extracellular vesicle trafficking RH37 0.8014062438756909 51 Spov3_chr5.01123 ARF-GTPase guanyl-nucleotide exchange factor *(BIG) BIG2 0.8010025240777803 48 Spov3_C0127.00002 component *(CDC5/MAC1) of MAC spliceosome-associated complex ATCDC5, ATMYBCDC5, CDC5 0.7993418324057563 72 Spov3_chr3.02583 RNA helicase component *(MTR4) of TRAMP nucleolar regulation complex AtMTR4, MTR4 0.7992022791891829 50 Spov3_chr2.01336 class XI myosin microfilament-based motor protein XIH, ATXIH 0.7979607458526506 51 Spov3_chr4.01969 EC_5.2 cis-trans-isomerase. peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase *(CYP63/CYP95) 0.7977005098774186 52 Spov3_chr2.01259 component *(LUG/LUH) of transcriptional co-repressor complex LUH, MUM1 0.7976327066810115 82 Spov3_chr2.03903 exoribonuclease *(RRP6L) RRP6L2, AtRRP6L2 0.7975273382258603 54 Spov3_chr1.00604 SSU processome assembly factor *(UTP14) 0.7974221138181581 56 Spov3_chr3.03648 EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group 0.7955824074865221 82 Spov3_chr4.00030 deubiquitinase *(UBP1-2) UBP2, ATUBP2 0.795524117537983 60 Spov3_chr1.01677 EC_2.1 transferase transferring one-carbon group. tRNA uridine-methyltransferase *(TRM2) TRM2b 0.7937689069828127 99 Spov3_chr3.03157 component *(THOC5) of mRNP trafficking THO subcomplex THO5, AtTHO5 0.7913693322219879 62 Spov3_chr4.04566 not classified 0.7899238509896528 63 Spov3_chr1.04920 regulatory protein *(ILP) of Programmed Cell Death ILP1, ATILP1 0.7895083360936828 64 Spov3_chr1.00029 EC_2.4 glycosyltransferase. callose synthase CALS9, GSL10, gsl10, ATGSL10 0.7887170870480564 66 Spov3_chr4.00974 not classified DOT2, MDF 0.7886941274148711 81 Spov3_chr3.04654 EC_2.1 transferase transferring one-carbon group. component *(MTB) of adenosine N6-methyltransferase complex EMB1691, MTB 0.7886869678281451 68 Spov3_chr5.00283 regulatory protein *(NOF1) of rDNA transcription NOF1 0.7873789672386171 72 Spov3_chr1.04619 dynamin-like protein *(DRP3) DRP3A, NOXY15, ADL2, APEM1 0.787191867235142 70 Spov3_chr3.03696 not classified 0.7862821413106912 71 Spov3_chr5.04456 nucleoporin of nuclear pore complex *(NUP1/NUP136) NUP1, AtNUP1 0.7856702146071044 96 Spov3_chr1.01586 not classified SHBY 0.7855428960430203 73 Spov3_chr5.00055 not classified PRE2 0.7853472761436011 85 Spov3_chr3.00787 tRNA cytidine-methyltransferase *(TRM4). EC_2.1 transferase transferring one-carbon group TRM4B, AtTRM4b 0.7853388955816015 75 Spov3_chr2.02628 not classified PKP1, PKP-ALPHA 0.7821506604855047 77 Spov3_chr5.01302 component *(TWD40) of TPLATE AP-2 co-adaptor complex TWD40-2 0.7796659076378459 81 Spov3_chr2.05716 not classified 0.7792706301152771 82 Spov3_chr1.03844 Nonsense-Mediated mRNA Decay kinase *(SMG1) 0.7788006852294327 83 Spov3_chr6.00380 not classified 0.7787413201439424 84 Spov3_chr5.00616 not classified ATM1 0.7786579163955756 85 Spov3_chr2.04443 EC_2.4 glycosyltransferase. callose synthase GSL01, ATGSL01, ATGSL1, GSL1 0.7784513184281825 86 Spov3_chr1.00830 not classified NERD 0.7761139397566662 89 Spov3_chr3.01879 not classified 0.7740064880523657 91 Spov3_chr5.02237 scaffold nucleoporin of nuclear pore complex *(NUP205) EMB3142, EDS4 0.7734152770971604 92 Spov3_chr2.03899 component *(HIRA) of HIRA chaperone complex HIRA 0.7727514595620455 93 Spov3_chr4.04560 scaffold nucleoporin of nuclear pore complex *(NUP107) NUP107 0.7725020646906653 94 Spov3_chr1.04313 component *(Toc90/120/132/159) of outer envelope TOC translocation system ATTOC120, TOC120 0.7717735360109488 95 Spov3_chr6.00069 not classified 0.7716719045084045 96 Spov3_chr2.03581 nucleoporin of nuclear pore complex *(NUA) AtTPR, NUA 0.7716042448538445 97 Spov3_chr3.04158 EC_6.1 ligase forming carbon-oxygen bond. isoleucine-tRNA ligase 0.7712577025649462 98 Spov3_chr3.00880 component *(U1-70K) of U1 snRNP complex U1SNRNP, U1-70K 0.7704690972003118 100