Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr Spov3_chr3.02252 not classified PQT3 0.8817669413741211 30 Spov3_chr2.01452 not classified CHX7, ATCHX7 0.881766941374121 30 Spov3_chr2.05659 not classified 0.881766941374121 30 Spov3_chr2.03539 not classified SAP3 0.8817669413741208 30 Spov3_chr4.03226 not classified AtTRM5b, TRM5b 0.8817669413741206 30 Spov3_chr5.03081 not classified 0.8817669413741205 30 Spov3_chr4.02354 not classified ASHR2, SDG39 0.8817669413741203 30 Spov3_chr4.03510 not classified AtHMP10 0.8817669413741203 30 Spov3_chr6.01799 not classified 0.88176694137412 30 Spov3_chr3.04987 not classified 0.8817669413741198 30 Spov3_chr2.04418 not classified 0.8817669413741197 30 Spov3_chr2.00329 component *(COX6b) of cytochrome c oxidase complex ATCOX6B2, COX6B 0.8817669413741194 30 Spov3_chr1.04112 not classified CRK8 0.8817669413741194 30 Spov3_chr3.00171 not classified MEF20 0.881766941374119 30 Spov3_chr1.03289 not classified SES1 0.8817669413741187 30 Spov3_chr2.03479 not classified 0.8817669413741185 30 Spov3_chr3.00381 not classified MUS81, ATMUS81 0.8817669413741185 30 Spov3_chr5.03169 not classified XIK, XI-17, ATXIK, XI-K 0.8817669413741185 30 Spov3_chr6.02385 not classified ATHSFA1E, HSFA1E 0.8817669413741183 30 Spov3_C0010.00002 not classified UGT76E11 0.8817669413741178 30 Spov3_chr4.00795 not classified 0.8817669413741176 30 Spov3_C0737.00004 not classified CBL1, ATCBL1, SCABP5 0.8817665290382547 30 Spov3_chr1.02888 not classified ATPRP40A, PRP40A 0.8602394847221321 30 Spov3_chr2.04477 not classified G7, CER4, FAR3 0.8591693636491607 25 Spov3_chr3.04337 not classified BTL12, CIP8 0.8567929409714395 28 Spov3_chr4.01342 not classified ATPRP40A, PRP40A 0.855452316692674 31 Spov3_chr2.00440 not classified 0.8398464531580958 30 Spov3_C0038.00004 IP-type-cytokinin synthase *(IPT). EC_2.5 transferase transferring alkyl or aryl group, other than methyl group ATIPT5, IPT5 0.8350552176467411 31 Spov3_chr2.00688 not classified 0.7901963708400909 30 Spov3_chr1.01991 not classified GLR3.6, ATGLR3.6 0.7882667921328237 30 Spov3_chr3.01533 not classified 0.7746383629583447 31 Spov3_chr1.01635 EC_2.3 acyltransferase HCT 0.7696226244494444 33 Spov3_chr6.02478 not classified 0.7671125672474196 35 Spov3_chr2.03814 not classified ATPRP40A, PRP40A 0.7397589415880733 34 Spov3_chr6.02594 not classified YSL8 0.7216039713076506 35 Spov3_chr2.03664 not classified FRS3 0.7201179428282453 36 Spov3_chr1.01530 not classified 0.7112808736552272 37 Spov3_chr3.01692 not classified 0.7105053535226392 38 Spov3_chr5.02761 not classified MAKR2 0.6973489564331402 39 Spov3_chr3.01596 not classified ATXR3, SDG2 0.6921821344596694 40 Spov3_chr2.02454 EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group KIPK 0.688483224746898 41 Spov3_chr1.01242 not classified 0.6829247502010277 42 Spov3_chr6.03167 component *(U11/U12-25K) of U11/U12 snRNP complex 0.6788546617401171 43 Spov3_chr5.01853 not classified 0.6571139886985925 57 Spov3_chr4.02899 not classified MTV2, BP80-2;1, MTV4, VSR4, VSR2;1 0.6496539887474665 45 Spov3_chr1.03157 not classified ATPHB5, PHB5 0.6475962353813189 48 Spov3_C0010.00096 not classified AtMAD1, NES1, MAD1 0.6403602963749575 47 Spov3_C0061.00006 not classified 0.6367239060594794 61 Spov3_C0062.00008 not classified 0.6254837250682462 49 Spov3_chr2.00322 not classified GEA6, EM6, ATEM6 0.6098902919303657 86 Spov3_chr1.03796 not classified PLIP2 0.609517941564083 51 Spov3_C0201.00002 component *(EAF7) of NuA4 histone acetyltransferase complex RR21, ARR21 0.5983636723615325 78 Spov3_chr4.02444 not classified ORG1, FBN11 0.5971657152115304 60 Spov3_S14.00060 not classified BRH1 0.5930444089565617 68 Spov3_chr4.03654 not classified 0.5871575128710502 62 Spov3_chr2.04650 not classified 0.584141326185831 57 Spov3_chr1.01514 not classified 0.5797546581598998 67 Spov3_chr2.00677 EC_3.2 glycosylase BGLU1 0.5707038045094063 59 Spov3_chr2.02589 not classified 0.5683802287409265 60 Spov3_chr5.01553 EC_1.14 oxidoreductase acting on paired donor with incorporation or reduction of molecular oxygen 0.5614051238675613 61 Spov3_chr2.04598 not classified ATWRKY9, WRKY9 0.5561701130271028 62 Spov3_C1312.00001 not classified GH9B8, AtGH9B8 0.5556578631893384 96 Spov3_chr1.02936 not classified 0.5323767944531141 67 Spov3_chr2.02378 not classified RIP1, MORF8 0.5319559038110746 68 Spov3_chr4.02262 not classified 0.525555069459303 69 Spov3_chr6.00968 anion transporter *(NRT1/PTR) FST1, AtNPF2.8, NPF2.8 0.520187629287389 70 Spov3_chr5.01731 not classified 0.5201861264995258 71 Spov3_chr4.03501 EC_1.14 oxidoreductase acting on paired donor with incorporation or reduction of molecular oxygen. zeatin-type-cytokinin synthase *(CYP735A) CYP735A2 0.5146477812707513 74 Spov3_chr1.01932 not classified AtDOA1 0.5116909675246559 90 Spov3_chr1.01636 EC_2.3 acyltransferase AP2A1, alpha-ADR 0.5114352570712972 75 Spov3_chr1.01234 not classified ICA1 0.4939548486640535 79 Spov3_chr1.03717 not classified 0.4938369714847587 80 Spov3_C1323.00002 not classified BIG2 0.485293675817685 81 Spov3_chr6.00766 not classified AtHsp90-3, AtHsp90.3, Hsp81.3, HSP81-3 0.48016025809635443 83 Spov3_chr1.03925 not classified 0.47828906190383746 84 Spov3_chr2.02624 not classified RD21B 0.47651176108518745 88 Spov3_chr2.05379 not classified RECQSIM 0.475067936316103 87 Spov3_C0043.00009 not classified MS2, FAR2 0.47498880413452543 88 Spov3_chr4.03243 not classified UGT76C1 0.4744935826515838 89 Spov3_chr2.04670 not classified 0.4716755914974289 90 Spov3_chr3.03520 not classified 0.4673264885861086 91 Spov3_chr4.03136 not classified PPK1 0.4669241732019342 92 Spov3_chr3.02467 not classified 0.46629322712596427 93 Spov3_C0003.00038 not classified PNH, AGO10, ZLL 0.4612116170700696 99 Spov3_chr1.05093 not classified 0.4601477385978538 100