Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr Spov3_chr3.02089 not classified SIGA, SIGB, ATSIG1, ATSIG2, SIG1, SIG2, ABC1 0.768689894443688 33 Spov3_C0016.00052 not classified PIR121, ATSRA1, LPL2, KLK, SRA1, PIR, PIRP 0.7686898944436868 33 Spov3_S12.00027 not classified ATXID, XID 0.7686898944436865 33 Spov3_chr5.02336 not classified 0.7686898944436865 33 Spov3_chr2.00698 bHLH-type transcription factor ARP1 0.7686898944436864 33 Spov3_chr6.01823 not classified OGOX4, AtBBE1 0.7686898944436864 33 Spov3_chr5.02441 FRS/FRF-type transcription factor 0.7686898944436864 33 Spov3_chr3.01795 not classified DICE1 0.7686898944436863 33 Spov3_chr2.02796 not classified EMB3009, DCR, PEL3 0.7686898944436859 33 Spov3_chr5.04118 not classified XRCC4 0.7686898944436859 33 Spov3_chr3.02611 not classified WXR3, RUS1 0.7686898944436856 33 Spov3_chr4.02647 not classified ESD7, POL2A, TIL1, EMB2284, EMB529, ABO4, EMB142 0.7686898944436853 33 Spov3_chr3.04957 solute transporter *(MTCC). mitochondrial iron iron transporter *(MFL) Mfl1, AtMfl1 0.7686898944436852 33 Spov3_chr4.00918 not classified 0.7686898944436846 33 Spov3_C0002.00129 not classified 0.768689894443684 33 Spov3_chr3.03050 not classified 0.7686898944436837 33 Spov3_chr3.01027 not classified 0.7686898944436834 33 Spov3_chr3.03263 not classified 0.7686898944436831 33 Spov3_chr3.04906 not classified 0.7671490251930192 33 Spov3_chr3.01560 not classified mtE2-1, LTA3 0.7553980324551594 20 Spov3_chr4.00792 not classified RPOC2 0.7310031245189156 33 Spov3_chr6.01868 not classified 0.7122048521501152 33 Spov3_chr3.02016 not classified 0.7037168384631926 34 Spov3_chr3.02510 not classified OXR6 0.6992381130573937 35 Spov3_chr3.02244 not classified FUS4, FUS8, CSN4, ATS4, COP14, COP8, EMB134 0.6750811995047974 34 Spov3_chr2.05682 not classified ATSFH12, SFH12 0.6615019042949724 33 Spov3_chr4.02211 not classified MIOX2 0.6526002354549043 34 Spov3_C0011.00043 not classified ATCHX17, CHX17 0.6379935191964307 28 Spov3_chr4.02287 not classified 0.633023922859197 37 Spov3_chr1.04502 not classified ISTL5 0.6329363347545308 35 Spov3_chr2.05084 not classified 0.6319000354003415 37 Spov3_C0066.00011 not classified 0.630944301552305 55 Spov3_chr2.01430 FRS/FRF-type transcription factor 0.6309443015523049 55 Spov3_C0002.00020 not classified CRK8 0.6309443015523039 55 Spov3_C0077.00002 not classified UPL2 0.6309443015523036 55 Spov3_C0066.00006 not classified 0.6309443015523035 55 Spov3_chr6.02605 FRS/FRF-type transcription factor 0.6309443015523035 55 Spov3_chr2.02982 not classified GA2ox10 0.6309443015523033 55 Spov3_chr1.01541 not classified 0.6309443015523033 55 Spov3_chr2.02898 not classified SLK1 0.6309443015523031 55 Spov3_chr1.03830 not classified DYRKP-1 0.6309443015523026 55 Spov3_chr5.02589 not classified ATRAD50, RAD50 0.6309443015523026 55 Spov3_C0010.00022 not classified ATPRP40A, PRP40A 0.6309443015523025 55 Spov3_C0064.00013 not classified EMB2777, EMB2796, THAL 0.6309443015523023 55 Spov3_C0047.00029 not classified 0.6309443015523021 55 Spov3_C0012.00079 not classified SHM2 0.6309443015523021 55 Spov3_chr6.02585 not classified RH8, ATRH8 0.6309443015523021 55 Spov3_chr2.02408 EC_1.14 oxidoreductase acting on paired donor with incorporation or reduction of molecular oxygen CYP87A2 0.630944301552302 55 Spov3_chr4.00666 not classified 0.630944301552302 55 Spov3_chr4.02279 not classified CYP701A3, ATKO1, GA3 0.630944301552302 55 Spov3_chr5.00106 oligopeptide transporter *(OPT) ATOPT4, OPT4 0.630944301552302 55 Spov3_S08.00066 not classified CSA1 0.6309443015523019 55 Spov3_chr2.03494 not classified 0.6309443015523016 55 Spov3_chr2.05377 not classified 0.6309443015523015 55 Spov3_chr5.01557 not classified AtCYP57, CYP57 0.6309443015523014 55 Spov3_S01.00070 not classified SDN3 0.6309443015523011 56 Spov3_chr5.03087 pectin methylesterase inhibitor 0.6309443015523011 57 Spov3_C0007.00104 not classified 0.630944301552301 58 Spov3_chr1.01147 not classified RLP36, AtRLP36 0.630944301552301 59 Spov3_chr1.02193 not classified 0.6309443015523007 60 Spov3_C0149.00002 EC_2.4 glycosyltransferase AtUGT85A5, UGT85A5 0.628315371220298 61 Spov3_chr2.03776 DDX6-type mRNA helicase *(RH12/RH8) RH8, ATRH8 0.624642436569541 62 Spov3_chr3.02430 not classified MUB5 0.620432004622768 63 Spov3_chr4.00604 not classified POK1 0.6080588185577179 64 Spov3_chr2.01460 not classified ATPIPK1, PIP5K1, ATPIP5K1 0.6077086806212415 65 Spov3_C0001.00062 not classified GPX3, ATGPX3, GPXL3 0.5907218318968627 66 Spov3_chr1.03326 FRS/FRF-type transcription factor 0.5843789654430048 67 Spov3_chr5.03541 not classified PRPL27, RPL27 0.5752189191148618 68 Spov3_chr3.02088 not classified ATATE2, ATE2 0.5663058806248707 69 Spov3_C0045.00017 not classified STT3A 0.5654747630358765 70 Spov3_chr4.03327 not classified CRK25 0.555305255464038 71 Spov3_C0029.00023 not classified LFNR1, ATLFNR1, FNR1 0.552756671082685 72 Spov3_C0001.00026 not classified 0.5468901632279806 73 Spov3_chr2.03582 not classified LOH3 0.5428119159034948 74 Spov3_chr4.00177 not classified 0.5399827898927952 75 Spov3_chr3.03405 not classified PEG9 0.5397757850220515 76 Spov3_chr4.00757 not classified 0.5395966528620124 77 Spov3_chr2.02839 not classified 0.5391748597463948 78 Spov3_chr3.01254 not classified RPP30, GAF1, AtRPP30 0.5346343948829049 79 Spov3_chr1.02933 not classified TBL10 0.5340664215535061 80 Spov3_chr6.03037 not classified YSL2, ATYSL2 0.5336455543522396 81 Spov3_C0088.00003 not classified RECA2 0.5325559028646167 82 Spov3_C0001.00047 not classified AGL34 0.5302415248323914 83 Spov3_chr4.03668 not classified HAE, RLK5 0.5290083613318415 84 Spov3_chr2.04934 not classified 0.5287743445387271 85 Spov3_chr5.02917 not classified EXPRS 0.5266615663975803 86 Spov3_S03.00015 not classified PAL2, ATPAL2 0.5251103860325311 87 Spov3_chr4.01561 not classified PIRL3 0.5212562009822019 88 Spov3_chr3.01067 not classified RPB5D 0.5089249452674344 89 Spov3_C1523.00001 not classified CYP705A28 0.507833881167222 90 Spov3_chr2.01696 not classified MEF29 0.5069881365721057 91 Spov3_chr5.04302 not classified 0.5057024165802774 92 Spov3_chr1.02842 not classified RGLG4 0.50505989227588 93 Spov3_C0007.00014 not classified ZRF1a, AtGlsA1 0.5038914561698403 94 Spov3_C0004.00027 not classified PYL3, RCAR13 0.5009750596058518 95 Spov3_chr6.02900 not classified 0.49179253122761407 96 Spov3_S11.00025 not classified 0.48999424976034306 97 Spov3_S05.00005 not classified EMB2759 0.482866505020424 98 Spov3_chr4.00082 not classified 0.48175235117306975 99