Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr Spov3_C0412.00009 component *(uS11c) of small plastid ribosomal-subunit proteome RPS11 1.0 1 Spov3_chr1.02028 not classified RPS18 0.705191623905514 21 Spov3_C0297.00001 maturase *(MatK) MATK 0.6084340609479119 51 Spov3_C0091.00041 large subunit of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphat carboxylase/oxygenase heterodimer RBCL 0.5847633990507793 66 Spov3_C1321.00007 not classified RPOA 0.5793864283745093 48 Spov3_C0412.00005 not classified RPL16 0.5579019563755021 34 Spov3_C0412.00006 not classified RPL16 0.5579019563755021 34 Spov3_chr3.00184 not classified AtSAP7, SAP7 0.5554741916235697 80 Spov3_chr2.05717 not classified MUS81, ATMUS81 0.5554741916235696 80 Spov3_chr3.02282 not classified ATWRNEXO, WEX, ATWEX, WRNEXO 0.5554741916235694 80 Spov3_C0152.00001 not classified TIC100, emb1211 0.5554741916235694 80 Spov3_C0015.00038 not classified KIB2, AtFDB24 0.5554741916235693 80 Spov3_S01.00113 not classified 0.5554741916235693 80 Spov3_C0414.00005 not classified YCF2.2 0.555474191623569 80 Spov3_chr4.01803 not classified 0.555474191623569 80 Spov3_C0097.00004 not classified 0.5554741916235688 80 Spov3_chr3.02426 not classified 0.5554741916235687 80 Spov3_chr5.01676 not classified 0.5554741916235687 80 Spov3_chr5.00176 not classified PSBA 0.5554741916235686 80 Spov3_chr6.02702 not classified PEG2 0.5554732087815286 80 Spov3_chr1.04796 not classified RPS12B, RPS12 0.5546906145968004 78 Spov3_chr5.04007 component *(uL14c) of large plastid ribosomal-subunit proteome. component *(uS8c) of small plastid ribosomal-subunit proteome RPL14 0.5487335964852186 34 Spov3_C0091.00036 core component *(RpoA) of plastid-encoded RNA polymerase RPOA 0.5438889852507249 66 Spov3_C0091.00037 core component *(RpoA) of plastid-encoded RNA polymerase RPOA 0.5438889852507249 66 Spov3_chr4.00527 not classified YCF1.2, TIC214 0.538296033710312 32 Spov3_C0091.00039 component beta *(PsbF) of PS-II cytochrome b559 heterodimer. component alpha *(PsbE) of PS-II cytochrome b559 heterodimer PSBE 0.5373660250167952 44 Spov3_C0091.00012 subunit alpha of peripheral CF1 subcomplex of ATP synthase complex ATPA 0.5365227981726665 51 Spov3_C0014.00030 not classified ROPGEF5, ATROPGEF5 0.5269446575120331 82 Spov3_C0091.00010 not classified ATPH 0.5262085918375417 59 Spov3_C0035.00022 not classified ATPH 0.5262085918375417 59 Spov3_C1321.00005 not classified RPL14 0.5232610465108308 31 Spov3_chr5.02860 not classified ACT8, FIZ1 0.5043928432911697 84 Spov3_chr6.02590 FRS/FRF-type transcription factor 0.5014696336943544 81 Spov3_chr1.01455 apocytochrome f component *(PetA) of cytochrome b6/f complex PETA 0.5011585404438099 62 Spov3_C0091.00007 core component *(RpoC1) of plastid-encoded RNA polymerase RPOC1 0.49857068266550525 58 Spov3_C0412.00012 not classified PSBB 0.4964013878839853 37 Spov3_chr1.03008 not classified CKB3 0.4936587593087482 70 Spov3_C0091.00043 component *(NdhK) of NDH subcomplex A NdhK, PSBG 0.48945440592547734 40 Spov3_C0091.00044 component *(NdhK) of NDH subcomplex A NdhK, PSBG 0.48945440592547734 40 Spov3_chr5.00033 not classified 0.4811038304961155 90 Spov3_chr2.03170 not classified 0.479059918689439 41 Spov3_chr5.04312 not classified MadA1 0.47273950914374285 57 Spov3_C0091.00024 component *(NdhA) of NDH membrane subcomplex M NDHA 0.4657379837770922 44 Spov3_C0091.00025 component *(NdhA) of NDH membrane subcomplex M NDHA 0.4657379837770922 45 Spov3_chr6.01268 not classified GGT2, AOAT2 0.46136155366553794 59 Spov3_chr1.03539 mechanosensitive ion channel *(MSL) MSL8 0.45778383994939936 83 Spov3_C0091.00011 subunit b of membrane CF0 subcomplex of ATP synthase complex ATPF 0.448162557447695 49 Spov3_C0091.00040 apocytochrome f component *(PetA) of cytochrome b6/f complex. EC_6.4 ligase forming carbon-carbon bond. carboxyltransferase subunit beta of polymeric acetyl-CoA carboxylase complex PETA 0.447741954122744 53 Spov3_chr1.01086 not classified 0.4443462765380596 100 Spov3_C0091.00015 regulatory component *(YCF2) of AAA-ATPase motor complex YCF2.2 0.4358382323483196 75 Spov3_C0054.00008 not classified SMXL2 0.4342380897851288 72 Spov3_chr1.04538 not classified RBB1 0.4323729065557439 98 Spov3_chr4.02453 not classified NDHF 0.4321143824865766 79 Spov3_chr5.03673 component *(NdhC) of NDH membrane subcomplex M NDHC 0.42237374725053434 67 Spov3_chr4.03412 not classified PSBB 0.41969787678473386 89 Spov3_chr1.03026 not classified 0.41726620926737795 62 Spov3_C0898.00002 not classified MAPKKK14 0.41520542423191015 93 Spov3_chr6.02779 EC_3.4 hydrolase acting on peptide bond (peptidase). gamma-glutamyl hydrolase *(GGH) ATGGH3, GGH3 0.4120996325829715 86 Spov3_chr1.00945 not classified SHBY 0.40267092206408217 69 Spov3_chr4.03989 not classified NST-K1, ATNST-KT1, URGT4 0.40232021801117845 70 Spov3_chr6.03041 component *(Y14) of RNA quality control Exon Junction complex 0.39763997616682395 98 Spov3_chr5.03385 not classified UBP23 0.39134762724250444 98 Spov3_C0091.00014 component *(uL2c) of large plastid ribosomal-subunit proteome RPL2.2 0.38811506996172906 80 Spov3_C0297.00003 component *(uL2c) of large plastid ribosomal-subunit proteome RPL2.2 0.38811506996172906 81 Spov3_C0035.00020 component *(uS2c) of small plastid ribosomal-subunit proteome RPS2 0.38626606061012353 84 Spov3_chr1.04207 dicarboxylate:malate antiporter *(DIT) DCT, DIT2.1 0.38518353625439583 87 Spov3_C0048.00011 not classified RPOB 0.37996820282834404 93