Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr Bra007426 not classified atnudt20, NUDT20 0.9151196757486038 1 Bra023974 not classified SSL2, CHR6, CHD3, GYM, HRB2, EPP1, LWR1, CKH2, PKL 0.9071130942054677 2 Bra000390 EC_1.14 oxidoreductase acting on paired donor with incorporation or reduction of molecular oxygen CYP704A2 0.880823445406587 3 Bra033788 transcriptional regulator *(POPEYE) of iron homeostasis PYE 0.8771056152109099 4 Bra017398 EC_3.1 hydrolase acting on ester bond PP2A-2 0.8709563582271598 5 Bra015103 not classified GCP2, ATGCP2, TUBG2 0.8597045683980906 6 Bra014602 E2 SUMO ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme *(SCE1) EMB1637, SCE1A, SCE1, AHUS5, ATSCE1 0.8538464497401743 7 Bra016438 not classified 0.8525322630172409 8 Bra035339 EC_3.4 hydrolase acting on peptide bond (peptidase) RD21B 0.8514663892364147 9 Bra035113 not classified 0.8501345547932612 10 Bra004117 florigen component *(FT) RSB8, FT 0.8463085465431408 11 Bra027271 EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group FAB1B 0.8429312825135294 12 Bra031331 not classified IQD5 0.8419150461300915 13 Bra037659 not classified 0.8397666107454008 14 Bra015797 subunit B of V-type ATPase peripheral V1 subcomplex AtVAB1, VAB1 0.8347748587231163 15 Bra005885 not classified emb2735 0.8306675418875307 16 Bra015529 not classified GAUT6 0.8273520044852012 17 Bra018417 SnRK2 SNF1-related protein kinase. EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group SRK2A, SNRK2-4, ASK1, SNRK2.4 0.827270124115084 18 Bra005732 not classified GCP2, ATGCP2, TUBG2 0.823502260491045 19 Bra005761 not classified GCP2, ATGCP2, TUBG2 0.823502260491045 20 Bra025850 phosphate transporter *(PHT1). phosphate transporter *(PHT1) PHT1;8 0.8217258889889121 21 Bra020187 R-type VAMP7-group component of SNARE longin membrane fusion complex ATVAMP714, VAMP714 0.8109984786871356 25 Bra026433 Qb-type VTI-group component of SNARE membrane fusion complex PUP1, ATPAP10, PAP10 0.8109625823900116 23 Bra029133 not classified I-2, AtI-2 0.809726137145363 96 Bra005893 not classified PSE1 0.8082644699667207 25 Bra018040 EC_2.3 acyltransferase. hydroxycinnamoyl-CoA acyltransferase DCF 0.8005275214080385 26 Bra022234 not classified 0.7997590980621977 27 Bra032008 not classified VHA-A2 0.7993023285554226 43 Bra012708 not classified 0.7982266124473071 29 Bra036253 subunit F of V-type ATPase peripheral V1 subcomplex VHA-F 0.7968526531995369 30 Bra034499 not classified RR21, ARR21 0.7960028959527526 31 Bra012946 not classified 0.7953409826571843 70 Bra025530 class lambda glutathione S-transferase. class lambda glutathione S-transferase GSTL3 0.7938396652548996 33 Bra019028 not classified FEY3, FEY 0.7935952610131402 34 Bra030073 deubiquitinase *(OTU1) OTU1 0.7896672561965659 35 Bra022756 EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group. CDK9 protein kinase 0.7894038707153971 36 Bra003243 EC_3.6 hydrolase acting on acid anhydride HIT3, HINT1 0.788388513918963 37 Bra010479 not classified 0.7859527481453586 38 Bra036638 alpha-class expansin EXPA18, ATEXP18, ATHEXP ALPHA 1.25, ATEXPA18, EXP18 0.7857248573004635 39 Bra012009 ATPase component *(VPS4/SKD1) of VPS4-VTA1 ESCRT-disassembly complex. EC_3.6 hydrolase acting on acid anhydride ATSKD1, SKD1, VPS4 0.7844529972312346 40 Bra019029 not classified 0.7830936595936491 41 Bra016142 not classified AtRLP12, RLP12 0.7827570936960208 42 Bra030773 EC_1.3 oxidoreductase acting on CH-CH group of donor 0.7812249608912036 43 Bra012721 component *(ADA2) of SAGA transcription co-activator complex PRZ1, ADA2B 0.7811200209683264 44 Bra033873 not classified SEC1B, ATSEC1B 0.7763190983746138 46 Bra027596 NAC-type transcription factor NTM2, ANAC069, NAC069, NTL13 0.7758428774302273 47 Bra010585 EC_3.4 hydrolase acting on peptide bond (peptidase). methionyl aminopeptidase *(MAP1). methionyl aminopeptidase *(MAP1) MAP1D 0.775161088627206 48 Bra027674 component a *(SPO11) of meiotic topoisomerase-VI complex SPO11-2 0.7739314042452103 49 Bra036681 component *(NDUFA9/39kDa) of NADH dehydrogenase alpha subcomplex 0.7727703994167179 50 Bra015973 metabolite transporter *(DTX) 0.7698431716640273 51 Bra011399 not classified ATACA10, ACA10, CIF1 0.7684372912370184 52 Bra010739 EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group. phosphatidylinositol synthase *(PIS) PIS2 0.7638076858874764 53 Bra018838 sterol delta24 reductase DWF1, DIM, DIM1, CBB1, EVE1 0.7630697000793163 54 Bra008287 not classified CML38 0.762101523681508 55 Bra040598 clade E phosphatase 0.761999646815087 56 Bra009517 EC_4.1 carbon-carbon lyase. fructose-bisphosphate aldolase *(FBA). cytosolic fructose-bisphosphate aldolase AtFBA4, FBA4 0.7612330091058853 57 Bra015147 not classified 0.7611496962842644 59 Bra016239 PNP peptide receptor *(PNP-R) 0.7608657372457229 60 Bra016882 EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group ZRK4 0.7607433558241413 61 Bra011401 not classified CEV1, IXR1, ELI1, ATH-B, CESA3, MRE1, ATCESA3 0.7595641722142213 62 Bra026185 not classified 0.7593415800014925 63 Bra018210 actin filament protein ACT12 0.758920684925091 64 Bra026053 not classified 0.7558464621263361 65 Bra020439 not classified ATR7 0.7556077886664282 67 Bra020440 not classified ATR7 0.7556077886664282 68 Bra037892 not classified 0.7539153021547248 69 Bra010352 not classified EMB3127 0.7524916072663212 89 Bra033819 actin filament protein ACT12 0.7520545820593414 71 Bra037766 not classified AtPPa2, PPa2 0.7510394384534896 72 Bra027599 not classified RPS4 0.7504090496650863 73 Bra010239 N-acetyltransferase cohesin cofactor *(CTF7) CTF7, ECO1, AtCTF7 0.7503744119707674 74 Bra012945 EC_3.4 hydrolase acting on peptide bond (peptidase) 0.7497802407739903 76 Bra005331 not classified 0.7482170329476641 77 Bra034980 not classified POD1 0.747806573399857 78 Bra025883 EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group. WAK/WAKL protein kinase WAK4 0.7472010339499662 80 Bra012944 EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group. E3 ubiquitin protein ligase *(PUB51) PUB52 0.7444788983179135 83 Bra023567 regulatory protein *(MBS) of singlet oxygen-induced signalling MBS2 0.7442740717465887 84 Bra027598 not classified WRKY16, ATWRKY16 0.7439237193041839 87 Bra006312 not classified 0.7434607028343213 88 Bra005279 not classified 0.7429264361694553 89 Bra031989 EC_2.3 acyltransferase CHAT 0.7409452899181524 90 Bra014884 trimethylguanosine synthase *(TGS1) 0.7401414808337964 91 Bra008978 not classified 0.7394493768970213 92 Bra021991 not classified RRP45a 0.7376939856187685 94 Bra024901 gamma-aminobutyric acid transporter *(GABP) AtGABP, GABP, BAT1 0.7373703331899663 95 Bra019895 not classified 0.7367117898700422 97 Bra011442 not classified ABCI10, EMB2751, ATNAP13 0.735701972332078 98 Bra020685 regulatory protein *(CYCC) of cell cycle. component *(CycC) of kinase module of MEDIATOR transcription co-activator complex CYCLINC1-1 0.7355473017582643 99