Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr Lsat_1_v5_gn_1_29461.1 adenine uptake transporter *(AZG). purine transporter *(AZG) AZG2, ATAZG2 0.971619452714613 1 Lsat_1_v5_gn_3_75181.1 H-type thioredoxin *(Trx-H). protein-S-nitrosothiol reductase *(TRX5) ATTRX H1, TRX1, ATTRX1 0.9526759579767363 19 Lsat_1_v5_gn_4_74261.1 not classified 0.952322226927311 43 Lsat_1_v5_gn_3_100380.1 zf-HD-type transcription factor MIF2 0.9515883059280925 24 Lsat_1_v5_gn_5_158220.1 bHLH-type transcription factor. bHLH-Ib-class transcriptional regulator of copper/iron homeostasis BHLH100 0.9477310672654777 24 Lsat_1_v5_gn_2_65541.1 not classified UMAMIT46 0.9473312288337628 48 Lsat_1_v5_gn_5_183501.1 Globulin-type seed storage protein *(CR) bZIP69 0.9441025283282426 20 Lsat_1_v5_gn_7_105480.1 not classified 0.9440039017329422 50 Lsat_1_v5_gn_1_88661.1 EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group HERK1 0.9436868555529584 22 Lsat_1_v5_gn_8_130280.1 not classified 0.940506433973581 36 Lsat_1_v5_gn_8_81460.1 not classified 0.9397222536808811 27 Lsat_1_v5_gn_9_49060.1 lipid droplet biogenesis factor *(SEIPIN) GLR3.5, ATGLR3.5, GLR6 0.9393884958529306 79 Lsat_1_v5_gn_5_151221.1 not classified UMAMIT31 0.9385941745202311 78 Lsat_1_v5_gn_4_56281.1 not classified 0.9357269273706269 44 Lsat_1_v5_gn_1_32801.1 EC_1.1 oxidoreductase acting on CH-OH group of donor. STEROLEOSIN-type dehydrogenase HSD2, ATHSD2 0.935527570515802 22 Lsat_1_v5_gn_5_152421.1 not classified ACBP5, AtACBP5 0.9341266460732653 99 Lsat_1_v5_gn_3_98401.1 not classified LTI6b, RCI2B 0.9334224914006731 97 Lsat_1_v5_gn_2_128861.1 pectin methylesterase inhibitor 0.9312710966180828 19 Lsat_1_v5_gn_3_90340.1 C1-class subclass RD21/XCP thiol protease. EC_3.4 hydrolase acting on peptide bond (peptidase) RD21B 0.9309467004294707 20 Lsat_1_v5_gn_5_168280.1 copper cation channel *(COPT). copper transporter *(COPT) COPT3 0.9298249382743499 31 Lsat_1_v5_gn_8_74420.1 not classified 0.928032049129374 22 Lsat_1_v5_gn_6_54961.1 brassinosteroid sulfotransferase *(ST1). EC_2.8 transferase transferring sulfur-containing group 0.9272185174064097 45 Lsat_1_v5_gn_2_24941.1 EC_1.14 oxidoreductase acting on paired donor with incorporation or reduction of molecular oxygen CYP706A7 0.926668175128344 33 Lsat_1_v5_gn_5_138801.1 EC_3.1 hydrolase acting on ester bond PP7, PSI2, ATPP7 0.9214386152551629 31 Lsat_1_v5_gn_1_60521.1 not classified RLP37, EMB2800, AtRLP37 0.9209961414594094 36 Lsat_1_v5_gn_4_56301.1 not classified 0.9183277226347063 92 Lsat_1_v5_gn_8_139801.1 not classified LEA25 0.9138375897488314 95 Lsat_1_v5_gn_5_182001.1 AS2/LOB-type transcription factor LBD29, ASL16 0.9127891649932153 42 Lsat_1_v5_gn_1_116560.1 not classified CPK27 0.9127584221618409 42 Lsat_1_v5_gn_0_9440.1 not classified BTI1, RTN1, RTNLB1 0.9048475001923879 47 Lsat_1_v5_gn_9_40000.1 not classified 0.9042360085737152 55 Lsat_1_v5_gn_5_115421.1 not classified 0.9027954853173925 67 Lsat_1_v5_gn_8_121900.1 cytokinin phosphoribohydrolase *(LOG) LOG5 0.8967170593796706 75 Lsat_1_v5_gn_5_7401.1 NAC-type transcription factor NAC2, NARS1, ANAC056, ATNAC2 0.8826654007279339 77 Lsat_1_v5_gn_3_94261.1 not classified BGLU40 0.8822183776126178 79 Lsat_1_v5_gn_6_90220.1 programmed cell death cysteine proteinase *(VPE). EC_3.4 hydrolase acting on peptide bond (peptidase). C13-class (Legumain) asparaginyl endopeptidase AEP2, BETAVPE, BETA-VPE, LEGbeta 0.881185835257235 91 Lsat_1_v5_gn_2_68380.1 not classified OPT9, ATOPT9 0.8746706997675089 92 Lsat_1_v5_gn_8_113341.1 not classified 0.8721193672184782 99