Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr Bra030473 EC_3.2 glycosylase. myrosinase TGG4, BGLU34 0.9388018900170939 6 Bra027145 not classified RZ-1b, RBGB1, AtRZ-1b 0.9388018900170921 6 Bra039388 EC_1.10 oxidoreductase acting on diphenol or related substance as donor sks11 0.938801890017092 6 Bra013666 not classified 0.9388018900170908 6 Bra010875 not classified SDH, LKR, LKR/SDH 0.938785033580675 6 Bra039250 not classified 0.9248661349054446 6 Bra023391 not classified MORC5 0.8728511259433595 7 Bra023779 not classified 0.8268018975761396 8 Bra037324 not classified INCENP, WYR 0.8041484798222076 9 Bra011874 not classified 0.771140775584127 10 Bra028210 EC_1.14 oxidoreductase acting on paired donor with incorporation or reduction of molecular oxygen CYP96A13 0.6925745586261731 11 Bra005940 EC_1.8 oxidoreductase acting on sulfur group of donor. methionine S-enantiomer sulfoxide reductase *(MsrA) PMSR3, ATMSRA3 0.6729062781348187 12 Bra011853 not classified 0.6702044884348485 13 Bra036264 not classified PSY 0.669471246529822 14 Bra035963 not classified 0.6687144200179841 15 Bra008372 mechanosensitive ion channel *(MSL) MSL6 0.6602479929294395 16 Bra011763 MADS/AGL-type transcription factor 0.6129593631757523 23 Bra028064 not classified ANAC55, ATNAC3, NAC055, ANAC055, NAC3 0.6016339490687629 18 Bra017521 not classified DER2.1 0.5994553475837482 19 Bra015240 not classified BUBR1 0.5778926802550277 20 Bra029227 GASA precursor polypeptide GASA1 0.5682418471851108 21 Bra034275 not classified HON5, CLPR4 0.5564484582709661 44 Bra014659 bHLH-Ib-class transcriptional regulator of copper/iron homeostasis. bHLH-type transcription factor bHLH39, ORG3, BHLH039 0.5464317831206337 24 Bra028176 not classified PDP3 0.543036115633005 26 Bra022623 sulfate transporter *(SULTR). sulfate transporter *(SULTR1) SULTR1;1 0.5371841002219624 28 Bra037203 PLATZ-type transcription factor PLATZ7, RITF1 0.5327103342242059 29 Bra017974 regulatory protein *(LSU) of sulfate homeostasis LSU1 0.5263244381284952 34 Bra025551 not classified ATAGP24, AGP24 0.508485484182567 31 Bra010211 not classified 0.5034613742419367 32 Bra022313 not classified 0.490487655340328 36 Bra037092 not classified PUB58 0.4895671080553251 34 Bra020824 not classified 0.4878892448898453 35 Bra010331 profilin actin nucleation protein PRF4, AtPRF4 0.48514888298216635 37 Bra031204 pectin methylesterase ATPE11, PE11 0.48456591659826387 38 Bra012502 defensin *(PDF3) PSRP5 0.4675174516490481 65 Bra028280 not classified 0.4674525627557008 74 Bra015245 LRR-domain extensin LRX10 0.45684627621227364 79 Bra016742 not classified 0.45379013316349287 45 Bra037303 not classified AtFDA8 0.4478342320705554 49 Bra004086 not classified 0.44766572823028833 95 Bra021233 pectin methylesterase inhibitor PMEI2, ATPMEI2 0.4473986898146289 70 Bra041002 not classified 0.44526538780574026 85 Bra002981 not classified HIT4 0.4367966852113497 53 Bra025779 not classified AtARF2, ARF2, ARF1-BP, ORE14, HSS 0.43546799526911945 67 Bra010250 not classified DRP4A 0.43538153582986605 55 Bra038907 not classified AtLtpI-7, LTP12 0.4248309212412199 56 Bra010467 bHLH-type transcription factor 0.4245750284647706 57 Bra010325 not classified ATPRMT11, PRMT11, PRMT1B, ATPRMT1B 0.4231374976047253 68 Bra031829 catalytic subunit alpha of CK-II protein kinase. EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group CKA1, ATCKA1 0.41574579766157216 96 Bra034334 not classified 0.4105336946543019 66 Bra039895 not classified 0.4038340208862978 68 Bra018562 not classified 0.4033677804090791 69 Bra002380 not classified 0.40141896074256617 89 Bra029203 diacylglycerol kinase DGK2, ATDGK2 0.4007791149040767 75 Bra011151 not classified 0.392959456555918 74 Bra006549 MADS/AGL-type transcription factor. component *(PISTILLATA) of AP3-PISTILLATA organ-identity heterodimer PI 0.3846819046430612 76 Bra026378 regulatory protein *(COB) of cellulose-hemicellulose network assembly COBL11 0.38194818569425265 78 Bra033849 mannan synthase *(CSLD) ATCSLD6, CSLD6 0.3751120890915561 85 Bra017150 not classified 0.3656771121264626 94