Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr Bra014233 not classified 0.8202881624742582 39 Bra040449 EC_1.13 oxidoreductase acting on single donor with incorporation of molecular oxygen (oxygenase). carotenoid cleavage dioxygenase *(CCD1) ATNCED1, ATCCD1, CCD1, NCED1 0.8116859741385318 67 Bra005216 plasma membrane intrinsic protein *(PIP) PIP2;2, PIP2B 0.8016321874801314 8 Bra025212 phosphate transporter *(PHT2) PHT2;1, ORF02 0.7987581209306819 47 Bra015132 component *(NdhV) of NDH electron donor-binding subcomplex E NdhV 0.798061426725615 17 Bra012543 UMF23-type solute transporter 0.79756296755112 37 Bra035031 class tau glutathione S-transferase GSTU21, ATGSTU21 0.7975512373456853 7 Bra027317 EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group. MAP-kinase protein kinase MPK19, ATMPK19 0.7949697456102536 46 Bra036015 GARP subgroup GLK transcription factor ATGLK2, GPRI2, GLK2 0.7900060925368154 36 Bra019178 not classified 0.7880878739951881 24 Bra020489 EC_1.14 oxidoreductase acting on paired donor with incorporation or reduction of molecular oxygen CYP71B11 0.7852445399548131 11 Bra013113 not classified 0.7828035069447937 58 Bra019341 not classified 0.7811484878393492 55 Bra026066 not classified 0.7801354685470631 40 Bra015544 Shewanella-like phosphatase *(SLP) SLP1, AtSLP1 0.7800612918363656 100 Bra033749 protease *(SBT2) 0.7751941543618703 53 Bra037229 cytosolic pyrophosphatase AtPPa2, PPa2 0.7741386266283831 37 Bra033474 EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group. SD-1 protein kinase SDK1, ARK1, RK1 0.7704694426574972 68 Bra038934 calcium-permeable channel *(OSCA) RXW8 0.7680582934964918 64 Bra002616 component *(FtsH7/9) of FtsH plastidial protease complexes ftsh9 0.7660947221513561 21 Bra011175 not classified 0.765941104852956 22 Bra013156 not classified TTM3, AtCDC26, AtTTM3 0.7655507031859633 63 Bra032520 transcriptional repressor *(IAA/AUX) AtIAA17, IAA17, AXR3 0.7631226625814487 31 Bra004503 circadian clock core oscillator protein *(LHY/CCA1). transcription factor *(REVEILLE) CCA1, AtCCA1 0.7615178113871439 100 Bra036255 not classified ATMLO1, MLO1 0.7612918957559831 88 Bra002160 not classified 0.7596361717060435 28 Bra013826 not classified 0.7588090654426193 43 Bra005039 manganese cation transporter *(Mn-CDF). manganese cation transporter *(Mn-CDF) ATMTP11, MTP11 0.7578805952441872 30 Bra038381 component *(NdhT) of NDH electron donor-binding subcomplex E DJC75, NdhT, CRRJ 0.7577544462921271 91 Bra021480 not classified 0.7577036250429535 50 Bra026543 regulatory protein *(SEPALLATA) of floral meristem identity control. MADS/AGL-type transcription factor SEP4, AGL3 0.7569306924018643 33 Bra032724 subgroup ERF-I transcription factor 0.7544260009095947 83 Bra039760 not classified 0.7452209130431362 39 Bra023264 tobamovirus multiplication replication host factor *(TOM2A) TOM2A 0.7446414354438777 44 Bra004024 adaptor component *(ClpS) of chloroplast Clp-type protease complex AtClpS1, ClpS1 0.7434912010885164 83 Bra021796 not classified ATCSLB3, ATCSLB03, CSLB03 0.7416127764225172 50 Bra017693 EC_1.11 oxidoreductase acting on peroxide as acceptor. catalase CAT2 0.7410773276936613 85 Bra030253 EC_5.5 intramolecular lyase. myo-inositol-1-phosphate synthase *(MIPS) MIPS2, ATIPS2, ATMIPS2 0.7404535370212819 96 Bra005215 plasma membrane intrinsic protein *(PIP) PIP2;2, PIP2B 0.732982611394348 50 Bra004574 uroporphyrinogen III decarboxylase *(HEME). EC_4.1 carbon-carbon lyase HEME2 0.7323580653564135 51 Bra004903 RNA editing factor *(CRR4) CRR4 0.7317905727365063 53 Bra036060 Kinesin-4-type motor protein. matrix polysaccharide-trafficking kinesin *(FRA) KICP-02 0.731434574002597 54 Bra014582 class XI myosin microfilament-based motor protein ATMYOS3, XI-16, XIJ, ATXIJ, MYA3 0.726309501843982 60 Bra009227 not classified 0.7245379520617422 67 Bra021420 solute transporter *(UmamiT) 0.7230002930691962 63 Bra027133 not classified ATWRKY28, WRKY28 0.7227959040235599 85 Bra001867 MAP3K-WNK protein kinase. EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group WNK2, ATWNK2, ZIK3 0.7220526182288092 65 Bra013085 plastid division ARC5-recruitment factor *(PDV) PDV2 0.7219702855047442 66 Bra037780 not classified 0.72099278099977 68 Bra003950 subfamily ABCB transporter TAP1, ABCB26, ATTAP1 0.7173727006160374 72 Bra010390 solute transporter *(MTCC) MTM1, ATMTM1 0.7161292843252701 75 Bra036254 subunit alpha of tryptophan synthase complex 0.71400635060524 80 Bra035019 not classified 0.7116704084245434 83 Bra023273 not classified OXR4 0.7072428363920001 98 Bra026043 ER body formation factor *(NAIP) NAIP2 0.7050991952654768 93 Bra015204 LRR-XII protein kinase. EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group 0.7025342730303614 97 Bra017026 EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group. DYRK protein kinase DYRKP-3 0.7022840180493981 98