Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr Bra015517 not classified ATRAD17, RAD17 0.6095998818083158 41 Bra013712 tyrosine aminotransferase *(TAT). EC_2.6 transferase transferring nitrogenous group 0.6095998818083148 41 Bra039572 not classified HSP70, ATHSP70, HSC70-4 0.6095998818083141 41 Bra039686 not classified 0.6095998818083136 41 Bra002605 NAC-type transcription factor 0.609599881808313 41 Bra024878 not classified PAPS1 0.6095998818083129 41 Bra038159 not classified 0.5818010632420708 42 Bra026994 guanine nucleotide dissociation inhibitor *(RopGDI) 0.5682212478186875 36 Bra007261 not classified 0.5618946252912098 45 Bra032239 pectin methylesterase inhibitor PMEI1, ATPMEI1 0.5604447129656788 42 Bra012919 not classified TBP2, ATTRB3, TRB3 0.5504585656905414 26 Bra025916 not classified 0.5437201179603588 46 Bra015250 not classified KINESIN-12A, PAKRP1 0.542293579683874 44 Bra029423 not classified 0.5405822615273762 45 Bra013496 transcription factor *(DOF) AtDOF4.4, DOF4.4 0.5340759001084919 46 Bra008546 solute transporter *(UmamiT) UMAMIT31 0.5208683315015442 44 Bra013356 not classified 0.5208484575363362 42 Bra029070 not classified 0.5163803353304545 43 Bra020177 not classified 0.5020341059480207 51 Bra035268 not classified 0.4993668834551746 48 Bra011113 not classified 0.49655750867843595 46 Bra034490 not classified 0.49636894300543644 49 Bra037958 epithiospecifier protein *(ESP) TASTY, ESR, ESP 0.4770705159405639 87 Bra037417 RAV/NGATHA-type transcription factor NGA4 0.4761117757828892 37 Bra026685 ribokinase. EC_3.2 glycosylase RBSK 0.47419363293367583 53 Bra018310 not classified 0.4705809553595113 50 Bra030151 not classified 0.46879161264933983 89 Bra017607 not classified MDN1, AtMDN1 0.46863783518873664 80 Bra037598 not classified ALA9 0.46373041304906465 52 Bra009703 not classified 0.456223390245078 78 Bra040993 not classified MPL1 0.4557352600492552 34 Bra031665 not classified 0.4537430817532069 35 Bra033969 not classified MIP2 0.45115887926148024 87 Bra022300 pyrophosphohydrolase *(NUDX) NUDT7, AtNUDT7, GFG1 0.4477286158624689 62 Bra017366 not classified 0.4477286158624687 62 Bra030080 not classified UBP1B 0.44772861586246854 62 Bra034139 EC_3.1 hydrolase acting on ester bond. pectin methylesterase RHS12 0.4477286158624684 62 Bra005324 CEP precursor polypeptide. systemic nitrogen signalling polypeptide *(CEP) 0.44772861586246837 62 Bra040820 not classified ATWRI1, WRI1, ASML1, WRI 0.44772861586246815 62 Bra013543 not classified 0.4477286158624681 62 Bra028749 WOX-type transcription factor WOX5A, WOX7 0.44495606052639547 61 Bra031480 not classified 0.4445886384755744 57 Bra036025 bZIP class-S/SE transcription factor bZIP5, AtbZIP5 0.4398761662511325 60 Bra019931 not classified ARA-4, RABA5C, ATRAB11F, ARA4, ATRABA5C 0.43903121771610193 50 Bra003725 not classified NLP5 0.4385225244617256 99 Bra033539 not classified COR15A, LEA24 0.4385225244617256 99 Bra038718 not classified 0.4385225244617256 99 Bra040909 not classified ASG7 0.4385225244617254 99 Bra005389 bHLH-type transcription factor 0.4385225244617254 99 Bra037855 not classified PEG1 0.4385225244617254 99 Bra032895 not classified 0.43852252446172535 99 Bra022253 not classified PBB2 0.43852252446172524 99 Bra040269 not classified WAX2, FLP1, CER3, YRE 0.4385225244617252 99 Bra021253 EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group IOS1 0.43852252446172507 99 Bra036569 not classified 0.43769520526722444 59 Bra037768 alternative oxidase *(AOx) AOX2 0.4317823602697986 61 Bra031059 MyoB class-I myosin receptor 0.427952362345369 62 Bra029977 not classified AthCYSTM10, WIH3 0.42691388971992894 64 Bra027979 not classified GLP9 0.42083134467471084 64 Bra039247 not classified PER64, PRX64 0.4193397028452415 99 Bra035528 not classified 0.41796451731848183 76 Bra021975 not classified emb1745, AtGLE1, GLE1 0.410520676373974 71 Bra004575 NAC-type transcription factor ANAC006, NAC006 0.408881720208791 74 Bra037370 glutathione peroxidase. EC_1.11 oxidoreductase acting on peroxide as acceptor ATGPX8, GPX8, GPXL8 0.40705732433431496 73 Bra038006 WRKY-type transcription factor MINI3, WRKY10, ATWRKY10 0.3998795211836197 77 Bra011717 not classified CASPL5C1 0.38404645398976517 83 Bra004595 protein S-acyltransferase *(PAT1-9) 0.3782803128554616 85 Bra019190 Mg-protoporphyrin IX O-methyltransferase *(CHLM) CHLM 0.37759538574315993 88 Bra025744 not classified 0.369520151626099 90 Bra030152 component *(MED9) of middle module of MEDIATOR transcription co-activator complex MED9 0.3604010453843709 96 Bra023451 RALF/RALFL precursor polypeptide RALFL9 0.3600131169843008 97