Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr Bra017035 component *(ELF4) of circadian clock Evening complex (EC) ELF4 0.7057635727346182 18 Bra011417 not classified 0.6980163104746859 44 Bra028781 copper chaperone *(ATX/CCH) ACR12 0.6920642081400027 31 Bra005706 not classified CASPL5B1 0.6788369123171999 5 Bra026991 nitrate transceptor *(NRT1.1). anion transporter *(NRT1/PTR) NRT1, AtNPF6.3, ATNRT1, B-1, NRT1.1, CHL1, NPF6.3, CHL1-1 0.6756703304061508 56 Bra035190 ATP:ADP antiporter *(NTT) ATNTT1, NTT1 0.6712343629393922 7 Bra007933 not classified DYAD, SWI1 0.6645038775685516 82 Bra002078 MAP3K-RAF protein kinase. EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group STY8 0.6500616247682183 37 Bra013246 Qbc-type SNAP25-group component of SNARE membrane fusion complex ATSNAP33B, ATSNAP33, SNP33, SNAP33 0.6366479977633244 91 Bra013206 not classified HIRD11, AtHIRD11 0.623896465098217 34 Bra021615 not classified SAUR4 0.6221322857665806 99 Bra024478 bZIP class-S/SE transcription factor GBF5, ATBZIP2, bZIP2, FTM3 0.6218590355871808 39 Bra008277 iron cation transporter *(VTL) VTL2, AtVTL2 0.6032930662949854 55 Bra022766 SBP-type transcription factor SPL13B, SPL13 0.6026481576900633 65 Bra027378 component *(NSP1) of NSP1-NSP2 nodulation initiation complex. GRAS-type transcription factor 0.5913156218617388 83 Bra037436 regulatory protein *(FLZ) of SnRK1 complex 0.5892473184989487 74 Bra012799 A1-class (Pepsin) protease 0.5880990592396979 76 Bra017587 component *(ELF4) of circadian clock Evening complex (EC) ELF4-L4, EFL4 0.586447430469596 81 Bra000307 NLP-type transcription factor. transcription factor *(NIN) NLP8 0.5861493194421982 83 Bra002587 not classified 0.5835794391850077 90 Bra040639 phosphoglycerate mutase 0.5806555003945079 98