Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr Bra012698 not classified 0.8169280236764 12 Bra025688 zf-HD-type transcription factor MIF3 0.7379667393292113 3 Bra027681 stereoselective coupling control protein *(DIRIGENT) DIR5, AtDIR5 0.7126543318190238 32 Bra020642 not classified RBGA3, GR-RBP7, CCR2, ATGRP7, GRP7, SRBP1 0.7060551978631013 39 Bra018779 RING-H2-class ATL-subclass E3 ubiquitin ligase ATL75 0.7048046640696068 11 Bra003058 not classified 0.7035202997276075 74 Bra014781 not classified SANT4 0.703155021617503 74 Bra005078 not classified 0.7031550216175027 74 Bra017127 not classified 0.7031550216175019 74 Bra023853 not classified NPY7 0.7031550216175014 74 Bra023701 EC_2.5 transferase transferring alkyl or aryl group, other than methyl group. IP-type-cytokinin synthase *(IPT) ATIPT5, IPT5 0.7031550216175005 74 Bra028022 not classified NRT2.4, ATNRT2.4 0.7031550216174992 74 Bra007574 not classified 0.7031550216174988 74 Bra028231 substrate adaptor of SCF E3 ubiquitin ligase complex 0.7031550216174984 74 Bra021507 not classified TMN7, AtTMN7 0.6948355944697117 64 Bra039568 not classified FOL2 0.6916361775878266 77 Bra018038 not classified THFS 0.6899460669423927 62 Bra002712 SnRK3 SNF1-related protein kinase. EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group. CBL-dependent protein kinase *(CIPK) SnRK3.4, CIPK21 0.6895155947784903 49 Bra013021 not classified 0.6887889067694581 51 Bra020552 MADS/AGL-type transcription factor AGL36 0.6886784593939564 75 Bra003291 not classified 0.6879124432983049 58 Bra011654 not classified 0.6815435896124994 43 Bra009727 not classified 0.6814427489793758 45 Bra038376 actin cytoskeleton connecting factor *(SINE) SINE2 0.6793455013305396 71 Bra031194 not classified 0.6785060333661991 64 Bra006705 not classified APUM19, PUM19 0.6775607999589459 50 Bra006401 not classified 0.6770485493791412 61 Bra022825 CLE precursor polypeptide CLE6, AtCLE6 0.6746250989667436 82 Bra010029 component *(BLOS2) of BLOC-1 endosome-to-vacuole sorting complex BLOS2 0.6708101772509893 34 Bra012302 beta-1,3-galactosyltransferase *(B3GALT) GALT8, DD46 0.6687650147818085 35 Bra001560 EC_1.14 oxidoreductase acting on paired donor with incorporation or reduction of molecular oxygen CYP72A9 0.6657974148818928 46 Bra039135 HD-ZIP I/II-type transcription factor HB20, ATHB20 0.6645657483119568 62 Bra036505 not classified MTP5, AtMTP5 0.663297632055719 70 Bra022013 anion transporter *(NRT1/PTR) AtNPF5.2, ATPTR3, PTR3, NPF5.2 0.6574235221221563 42 Bra003810 co-chaperone *(Jjj1) 0.6542123528718812 43 Bra014832 not classified 0.652090083953662 76 Bra038820 regulatory component *(PP1R) of PP1 phosphatase PP1R3 0.6517901535817251 49 Bra026943 not classified FRL1 0.6503872894553291 93 Bra040114 not classified 0.6488559701715105 95 Bra028606 elicitor peptide precursor *(proPEP)) 0.6431214140539467 51 Bra000676 not classified 0.63804609873981 54 Bra017831 AS2/LOB-type transcription factor LBD39 0.6304397676890859 83 Bra013898 HD-ZIP IV-type transcription factor HDG6, FWA 0.6279948938203808 62 Bra011979 not classified SAUR42 0.6246497925610891 65 Bra029877 not classified PP1R3 0.6210968508789301 75 Bra038414 EC_2.3 acyltransferase. polyamine hydroxycinnamoyl-CoA acyltransferase SDT 0.6201738605397601 68 Bra011367 voltage-gated potassium cation channel *(AKT/SKOR/GORK) KAT3, AtLKT1, KC1, ATKC1 0.6182734457317701 71 Bra040657 not classified UVSSA 0.6179465092383263 72 Bra030832 EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group. uridine/cytidine kinase. EC_2.4 glycosyltransferase UCK3, UKL3 0.6176197230186055 73 Bra037663 REM-type transcription factor 0.6160452609295355 74 Bra014211 not classified 0.6145108900899332 76 Bra020798 not classified GLP8 0.6111528789066998 79 Bra040912 not classified COST4 0.6004774419296978 97 Bra035337 not classified 0.5996519902420288 98 Bra027002 subgroup ERF-III transcription factor 0.5988398656344861 100