Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr Mp3g24700.1 not classified 0.837037582448954 14 Mp3g25480.1 anion channel *(QUAC/ALMT) ALMT9, AtALMT9 0.785046117791743 70 Mp4g16490.1 not classified RGFR3, RGI3 0.7814109742415284 99 Mp2g10200.1 EC_1.14 oxidoreductase acting on paired donor with incorporation or reduction of molecular oxygen CYP90A1, CPD, DWF3, CBB3, CYP90A, CYP90 0.7590348235480064 70 Mp1g28090.1 not classified AtSAP9, SAP9 0.7033452728463627 78 Mp1g11670.1 acyl-CoA synthetase *(ACS5) AT4CL2, 4CL2 0.7031285528146304 80