Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr Mpzg00450.1 not classified KCS8 0.859772519868619 1 Mp4g22830.1 nitrate transporter *(NRT2). nitrate transporter *(NRT2) NRT2.4, ATNRT2.4 0.5670224127358724 77 Mp5g17710.1 not classified CLS8, RNR1, DPD2, ATRNR1, R1 0.5645068657003001 4 Mp5g19010.1 not classified 0.5595400222887821 5 Mp2g21440.1 not classified CUC1, ATNAC1, ANAC054 0.5023519574435139 12 Mp1g20170.1 not classified 0.49023419728819245 49 Mp2g08120.1 not classified ARC2, CH-CPN60A, SLP, CPN60A, Cpn60alpha1, CPNA1 0.4812826575924968 61 Mp4g21820.1 not classified 0.46391420075973266 27 Mp4g16610.1 phosphate transporter *(PHT2) PHT2;1, ORF02 0.4390401891352533 40 Mp3g10060.1 not classified 0.42316785912519406 54 Mp3g11580.1 EC_3.1 hydrolase acting on ester bond. catalytic component of PP1 phosphatase TOPP7 0.41845841874613515 61 Mp3g22060.1 not classified mTERF23 0.410187111750708 72 Mp5g13080.1 RsmE-type rRNA methyltransferase. GARP-specific component *(VPS54) of GARP/EARP (Golgi-/Endosome-Associated-Retrograde-Protein) complexes 0.4088818562116304 74 Mp7g07460.1 not classified 0.4047860740822374 82 Mp8g15040.1 not classified 0.3982935348054652 91