Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr Mp5g14530.1 not classified 0.8777355228569765 3 Mp2g14460.1 not classified EXT21 0.8641453275742801 14 Mp5g17490.1 not classified PRX25, AtPRX25 0.8560096723110543 6 Mp1g05180.1 EC_1.14 oxidoreductase acting on paired donor with incorporation or reduction of molecular oxygen. long-chain fatty acid hydroxylase *(CYP704B) CYP704B1 0.853007180113135 8 Mpzg00410.1 not classified PRX25, AtPRX25 0.8425779891632158 7 Mp2g17720.1 aureusidin synthase 0.828120546720737 8 Mp5g14120.1 triacylglycerol lipase *(LIP) MPL1 0.8222798766679668 9 Mp6g17910.1 aureusidin synthase TMT2 0.8220568115561842 70 Mp8g00860.1 not classified GATL7 0.818949191113362 11 Mp5g04010.1 not classified Prx66 0.8183238646673804 15 Mp3g12230.1 not classified 0.812598237602355 23 Mp5g09410.1 not classified ATISA1, ISA1 0.8045092681236965 47 Mp6g21290.1 triacylglycerol lipase *(LIP) SPL1 0.7972667648333992 63 Mp3g13150.1 EC_4.2 carbon-oxygen lyase TPS02 0.7917289107655252 22 Mp5g13790.1 not classified PRX52 0.7844178666829443 47 Mp5g17480.1 not classified PRX25, AtPRX25 0.7806208720888883 26 Mp8g00840.1 not classified AtRLP38, RLP38 0.768432574515567 70 Mp2g08490.1 not classified LRX10 0.7668539801694889 35 Mp5g17470.1 not classified 0.7662247419895495 38 Mp5g00890.1 not classified CCR4f 0.7635859247021698 41 Mp3g12290.1 alpha-class expansin ATHEXP ALPHA 1.10, EXP9, ATEXPA9, EXPA9, ATEXP9 0.7555817953184352 51 Mp5g04000.1 not classified Prx66 0.7520316532474417 59 Mp2g08500.1 not classified EXT21 0.7499912572876709 57 Mp1g07620.1 not classified PDE343, PTAC2 0.7491790761000522 58 Mp2g06540.1 not classified EXT21 0.7443258856908427 63 Mp4g18260.1 not classified BGLU44 0.7397875005647429 71 Mp7g02950.1 not classified PXL2, MIK1 0.7362830474090132 76 Mp7g01770.1 not classified 0.731201009798882 85 Mp7g02960.1 not classified 0.7266099953592973 93 Mp4g03820.1 not classified 0.7233042760813055 99