Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr Mp4g03790.1 not classified 0.7697901089384418 11 Mp1g13500.1 not classified PUB50 0.7697901089384417 11 Mp6g01820.1 not classified emb1011, LNO1 0.7697901089384411 11 Mp2g12720.1 not classified RPOA 0.7697901089384406 11 Mp4g05620.1 not classified DEI1, PAS1 0.7697901089384406 11 Mp8g16700.1 not classified TXND9 0.76979010893844 11 Mp8g04740.1 not classified CYP21-2 0.75748274519804 7 Mp4g08990.1 not classified 0.7231427628175316 8 Mp8g05100.1 not classified ZRK7 0.6304088674733431 18 MpVg00360.1 AtUGP2, UGP2 0.6304088674733431 18 Mp8g09450.1 alpha-type carbonic anhydrase. EC_4.2 carbon-oxygen lyase GSQ5, GAAS5, ATDOG1, DOG1 0.6304088674733428 18 Mp6g17840.1 not classified AtWRKY42, WRKY42 0.6304088674733422 18 Mp7g11610.1 not classified LARP1a, AtLARP1a 0.6304088674733419 18 Mp2g12090.1 not classified PXC2 0.6304088674733418 18 Mp8g14100.1 not classified NET1B 0.6304088674733417 18 Mp2g00240.1 not classified THH1 0.6287638975926657 16 Mp8g18450.1 ammonium transporter *(AMT2/3) ATAMT2, AMT2, AMT2;1 0.6167738536372367 17 Mpzg00360.1 component *(PetL/VI) of cytochrome b6/f complex 0.5912745040689602 87 Mpzg00430.1 component *(PetL/VI) of cytochrome b6/f complex 0.5912745040689602 87 Mpzg01060.1 component *(PetL/VI) of cytochrome b6/f complex 0.5912745040689602 87 Mp1g06760.1 not classified 0.5791423935158806 21 Mp8g02120.1 not classified 0.5678433947784374 22 Mp4g12720.1 not classified 0.5604966755989178 24 Mp5g12030.1 not classified 0.5526719504406968 25 Mp5g01730.1 not classified 0.5508565967481707 26 Mp6g20410.1 not classified 0.4979630699671821 29 Mp3g21020.1 not classified PDE327 0.4948984060427909 31 Mp2g03270.1 not classified 0.4876920991633497 32 Mp8g01640.1 not classified 0.4836931097943086 46 Mp5g07810.1 not classified GGL2, GGL4 0.4638813635208593 36 Mp8g18680.1 EC_2.3 acyltransferase ATCHS, CHS, TT4 0.45969869273480507 40 Mp8g16910.1 not classified 0.4576679349367127 43 Mp7g08690.1 not classified 0.4490943253972782 48 Mp4g09880.1 R1R2R3-MYB transcription factor MYB85, AtMYB85 0.4446763465926573 50 Mp4g18800.1 not classified BRD13 0.4346840970487457 94 Mp5g13600.1 not classified PRK 0.4252023242215116 56 Mp2g05460.1 not classified 0.4204863699755527 63 Mp5g00370.1 not classified RGP4 0.4174396800650459 66 Mp3g21120.1 not classified HMA4, ATHMA4 0.4117229669830079 74 Mp2g07790.1 not classified 0.4076246840794155 81 Mp1g10000.1 not classified AR2, ATR2 0.4031876043407517 95 Mp5g17060.1 nucleoporin of nuclear pore complex *(NUA) AtTPR, NUA 0.4023027873932024 96