Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr Mp7g15500.1 substrate adaptor of SCF E3 ubiquitin ligase complex TRP2, ATTSB1, TSB1, TRPB 0.8749799164458394 6 Mp1g12590.1 not classified 0.8554983522530708 19 Mp1g20890.1 tonoplast intrinsic protein *(TIP) ATTIP2;1, TIP2;1, DELTA-TIP, DELTA-TIP1, AQP1 0.8360378259058684 98 Mp4g16270.1 not classified ALA4 0.8181484099562292 9 Mp7g18190.1 VPS23-interacting protein *(SH3P2) SH3P2 0.817225647392056 12 Mp8g09600.1 not classified ATMGT10, MGT10, GMN10, MRS2-11 0.8170088409623465 16 Mp4g18110.1 proton-translocating pyrophosphatase *(VHP1). proton-translocating pyrophosphatase *(VHP1) AtVHP1;1, AtAVP1, ATAVP3, AVP-3, AVP1, FUGU5, VHP1 0.8064520468698175 56 Mp1g17490.1 not classified 0.7866253597130569 77 Mp8g04430.1 not classified 0.7792815802128302 89 Mp2g22730.1 not classified 0.7766768857349707 30 Mp4g05850.1 phosphoinositide signalling effector *(PCaP) BRF2 0.7755357485436187 32 Mp6g01150.1 not classified 0.7542649708775613 99 Mp5g21550.1 component *(NNF1) of kinetochore KNL1-Mis12-Ndc80 network JAI1, ZBF1, JIN1, ATMYC2, MYC2, RD22BP1 0.7535140645519307 100 Mp8g09590.1 not classified AtPRX71, PRX71 0.7523141954372191 62 Mp2g02090.1 not classified 0.7516921561558199 63 Mp1g08160.1 component *(RPP2) of large ribosomal-subunit (LSU) proteome RPP2D 0.7491121193249359 66 Mp1g29000.1 not classified 0.7479943545234563 95 Mp8g15600.1 TIFY-type transcription factor ATATP-PRT2, HISN1B, ATP-PRT2 0.7387878604860553 85