Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr Mp8g15120.1 not classified 0.8876668665511498 89 Mp3g19310.1 not classified 0.8738364183108942 97 Mp8g18890.1 not classified ABI3, AtABI3, SIS10 0.8731846804392596 49 Mp7g16080.1 xyloglucan/beta-glucan hydrolase *(EG16) RRP45a 0.8715303171733039 19 Mp5g09630.1 not classified AtBBE27 0.8660830207236246 55 Mp1g00890.1 not classified ATP1 0.8658659412226059 19 Mp2g21500.1 not classified 0.863274703206006 61 Mp5g22520.1 scaffold factor *(COILIN) of Cajal body formation COILIN, Atcoilin 0.8619481203794739 51 Mp5g16570.1 C1-class subclass RD21/XCP thiol protease. EC_3.4 hydrolase acting on peptide bond (peptidase) RD21B 0.859883695718503 43 Mp4g13950.1 EC_3.2 glycosylase 0.8578281495375766 96 Mp4g12150.1 not classified TPLATE 0.8573205697396242 39 Mp3g07530.1 not classified NHL39 0.8559401695622767 79 Mp3g00330.1 not classified BCHC2 0.8523233169489983 63 Mp5g07780.1 cyclic nucleotide-gated cation channel *(CNGC) CNGC20, ATCNGC20, CNBT1 0.8519393743557309 98 Mp8g06280.1 component *(SWIB) of SWI-B chromatin-remodeling complexes SWIB2 0.8511710232782217 63 Mp5g05480.1 not classified SRS1, AtSTY1, STY1 0.8476282679968983 80 Mp5g21980.1 not classified 0.8462420880599709 63 Mp3g06650.1 not classified PER39 0.8459951352794519 75 Mp4g11120.1 EC_1.14 oxidoreductase acting on paired donor with incorporation or reduction of molecular oxygen 0.845001670721917 89 Mp3g17220.1 not classified ZIP2, ATVPS41, ATVAM2, VAM2, VPS41 0.8362006219737486 99