Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr Mp1g29190.1 deacetylase component *(HDA19) of SNL-HDA19 histone deacetylase complex. component *(HDA6) of histone deacetylation complex. histone deacetylase *(HDA8). EC_3.5 hydrolase acting on carbon-nitrogen bond, other than peptide bond ATHDA19, HD1, HDA1, HDAC19, HDA19, RPD3A, ATHD1 0.8847788546620599 10 Mp1g19410.1 SSU processome assembly factor *(SWA3) RH36, AtRH36, SWA3 0.8416085111277685 30 Mp2g15870.1 SMARCF component *(LFR) of SWI/SNF chromatin remodeling complex KUP3, ATKUP3, ATKT4 0.8258123000892498 8 Mp8g15610.1 SMARCC component *(SWI3) of chromatin remodeling complex SWI3A, ATSWI3A, CHB1 0.8238526951005476 86 Mp1g20700.1 not classified 0.8229353513605179 17 Mp4g15330.1 component *(SYF1/MAC9) of MAC spliceosome-associated complex 0.8206955997544065 79 Mp5g13160.1 flowering time factor *(LD). regulatory protein of RNA homeostasis. LD-type transcription factor CAD1, PROSCOOP5 0.819468588654507 41 Mp7g11940.1 class-V histone methyltransferase *(Suv). EC_2.1 transferase transferring one-carbon group SUVR5 0.8094901288488904 50 Mp5g09490.1 GARP-specific component *(VPS54) of GARP/EARP (Golgi-/Endosome-Associated-Retrograde-Protein) complexes ATVPS54, MTV17, VPS54 0.8064591550079135 60 Mp1g01090.1 exine patterning factor *(NEF1) NEF1 0.8050760758656043 37 Mp2g05560.1 deubiquitinase *(UBP15-21) UBP19 0.8048931073639323 95 Mp6g13730.1 component *(TAF12) of SAGA transcription co-activator complex TAF12B, EER4, CKH1 0.8045036528281717 99 Mp7g11300.1 not classified SNL4 0.7977948515603893 24 Mp1g21520.1 not classified PABP8, PAB8 0.7954146231940955 58 Mp3g16270.1 not classified AtECA4, PICALM4a 0.7912903707630556 29 Mp7g19640.1 MRM2-type rRNA methyltransferase. component *(TRM7) of TRM7-TRM732/TRM734 tRNA cytidine/guanosine-methyltransferase complex AtTRM7a, SCS9, TRM7a 0.7894371432513212 42 Mp4g20140.1 not classified 0.7876317194834005 36 Mp2g09230.1 component *(TAF4) of TFIId basal transcription regulation complex TAF4B, TAF4 0.7824899986878349 97 Mp1g05910.1 component *(NOT11) of mRNA deadenylation CCR4-NOT complex NOT11 0.7800632147904963 53 Mp1g19420.1 component *(NOC3) of ribosomal-subunit proteome nuclear export complex 0.7796995581964207 77 Mp6g07230.1 component *(UBP22) of SAGA transcription co-activator complex. ubiquitin-specific protease UBP22 0.7760483182069219 82 Mp3g07120.1 mTERF-type transcription factor FH11 0.7758549709678868 93 Mp6g00660.1 not classified DRM1 0.7752914460736391 98 Mp8g14060.1 helicase component *(RVB) of chromatin remodeling complex. helicase component *(RVB) ATTIP49A, RVB1, RIN1 0.7594383490384348 69 Mp6g05060.1 CENH3-recruitment factor *(KNL2) 0.7583350435890687 75 Mp4g11580.1 component *(RNPS1) of RNA quality control Exon Junction complex RNPS1, SR45, AtSR45 0.7572005666707733 77 Mp2g09330.1 solute transporter *(MTCC) ADNT1 0.7567355983293784 90 Mp3g02810.1 not classified MPK14, ATMPK14 0.756031016535928 81 Mp3g15600.1 not classified 0.7508276634970108 96 Mp4g11530.1 component *(DSP3) of DSP snRNA processing complex. regulatory protein *(SIEL) of plasmodesmata intercellular trafficking PDS5D, AtPDS5D, SL2 0.7503984961553343 97