Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr Mp6g20120.1 not classified 0.91523822636592 1 Mp6g20110.1 not classified BTL05 0.856360777550102 2 Mp2g17070.1 not classified 0.7873826090431496 22 Mp4g13930.1 not classified 0.7437597649621561 22 Mp8g02830.1 not classified 0.7362405010693792 35 Mp4g09140.1 not classified 0.7112975954418087 14 Mp5g09050.1 not classified 0.6993590180413956 21 Mp2g00170.1 not classified AtLa1, La1, IRP2 0.6902602056509171 52 Mp5g10060.1 maleylacetoacetate isomerase *(MAAI). class zeta glutathione S-transferase ATDCL3, DCL3 0.6768410184997584 37 Mp1g25800.1 unfoldase component *(ClpX) of mitochondrion Clp-type protease complex CLPX 0.6480570815042098 96 Mpzg00800.1 not classified 0.6434462728360775 63 Mp8g12680.1 not classified 0.6298553092684063 97 Mpzg00970.1 not classified 0.6263814128114603 95 Mp8g06370.1 abscisic aldehyde oxidase. EC_1.2 oxidoreductase acting on aldehyde or oxo group of donor AOgamma, atAO-2, AO3, AAO2, AtAO3 0.587782055306499 45