Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr Mp4g09270.1 malonyl-CoA decarboxylase. EC_4.1 carbon-carbon lyase 0.8845118649028579 64 Mp2g10570.1 not classified SNX5 0.8806535548442977 23 Mp2g01840.1 not classified 0.8800512036783794 4 Mp7g00250.1 RNA helicase *(Brr2) BRR2c 0.8732175011300589 25 Mp7g05440.1 not classified RIK 0.8652916798863711 90 Mp8g08430.1 S-adenosyl methionine synthetase. EC_2.5 transferase transferring alkyl or aryl group, other than methyl group AtSAM2, SAM-2, MAT2, SAM2 0.8615581834998971 48 Mp7g11730.1 phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase *(VPS34). phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase component *(VPS34/PI3K) of PI3-kinase vesicle nucleation complex I/II. EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group ATVPS34, VPS34, PI3K 0.8579403711281998 10 Mp3g07930.1 monodehydroascorbate reductase *(MDAR). EC_1.6 oxidoreductase acting on NADH or NADPH ATMDAR4, MDAR4 0.8564990520144629 70 Mp6g01220.1 not classified IMPA1, IMPA-1, AT-IMP, ATKAP ALPHA, AIMP ALPHA 0.8546663167037515 36 Mp1g10300.1 regulatory component *(PAN3) of PAN2-PAN3 deadenylation complex 0.8543876837276841 68 Mp6g11040.1 not classified NTP7 0.8534230293309174 38 Mp5g00670.1 not classified PKP1, PKP-ALPHA 0.85333915721596 17 Mp3g06680.1 E3 ubiquitin ligase *(BRIZ) BRIZ1 0.8500485934646024 49 Mp6g00040.1 not classified 0.8468638790221187 41 Mp2g18300.1 not classified 0.8464668494539429 25 Mp4g23500.1 P4-type ATPase component *(ALA) of phospholipid flippase complex. EC_3.6 hydrolase acting on acid anhydride. active component *(ALA) of ALA-ALIS flippase complex ALA3 0.8452642322365992 98 Mp5g21890.1 not classified 0.8425272553347076 31 Mp5g19950.1 EC_3.2 glycosylase BGAL8 0.8321162372550484 36 Mp8g12000.1 telomeric dsDNA-binding protein TRFL6 0.8315060139185587 80 Mp2g05760.1 not classified AlaAT1 0.8308910518074559 39 Mp3g04170.1 component *(MED25) of MEDIATOR transcription co-activator complex MED25, PFT1 0.8307536544197858 52 Mp8g11530.1 flowering time factor *(FLD). histone demethylase *(KDM1a/b/c) FLD, RSI1 0.8272154947703119 87 Mp6g00010.1 not classified 0.8268878141414837 81 Mp1g05280.1 component *(CycC) of kinase module of MEDIATOR transcription co-activator complex. regulatory protein *(CYCC) of cell cycle CYCLINC1-2 0.8222509486587086 54 Mp2g00550.1 not classified 0.8214206574169829 56 Mp1g02950.1 not classified 0.818031054211469 65 Mp3g09100.1 not classified CHS1 0.8159529667471055 66 Mp1g23980.1 not classified 0.8155899468765826 67 Mp7g15290.1 not classified 0.8143790612395372 68 Mp2g02780.1 component *(ZFC3H1) of PAXT nucleoplasmic activation complex 0.8104473748501131 76 Mp4g09660.1 not classified 0.8095102571079612 78 Mp1g12060.1 Golgi-ER retrograde trafficking cargo receptor *(ERV-B). Golgi-ER retrograde trafficking cargo receptor *(ERV-A) 0.809234755604088 80 Mp7g12310.1 oxophytodienoate export protein *(JASSY) 0.8092124949282141 80 Mp1g21480.1 demethylase *(ALKBH9) ALKBH9C 0.8092025585295288 95 Mp4g18280.1 not classified 0.8076018452626634 96 Mp3g15640.1 component *(MIP1) of DSL1 (Depends-on-SLY1) complex ATZW10, MIP1 0.804176576521885 90 Mp8g17720.1 not classified 0.8036902619038645 92 Mp1g05510.1 RNA helicase component *(SKI2) of SUPERKILLER regulation complex SKI2 0.8025696230902057 94 Mp6g06000.1 not classified HIPP25, AtHMP39 0.8008444722864922 100