Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr Mp8g04360.1 not classified 0.9999999999999989 2 Mp3g19980.1 not classified 0.9999999999999984 2 Mp3g08500.1 not classified ZRK7 0.8124088739667992 3 Mp7g01900.1 not classified 0.8091015060791928 4 Mp1g18370.1 not classified 0.7261952305445342 7 Mp3g14240.1 not classified CTL1, CHER1, AtCTL1 0.7024488270399224 6 Mp1g20300.1 not classified HSFA1B, HSF3, ATHSF3, ATHSFA1B 0.6544001528382325 14 Mp8g12820.1 not classified 0.6371857855548839 8 Mp8g18600.1 not classified GATA18, MNP, AtGATA18, HAN 0.632552115482399 9 Mp2g24660.1 EC_2.4 glycosyltransferase 0.6264623916382307 10 Mp6g10140.1 not classified RNH1C 0.6189580940499936 11 Mp5g13880.1 not classified ENODL2, AtENODL2 0.6109538720639436 12 Mp4g23390.1 not classified VDD, REM20 0.6029225464095537 14 Mp8g11480.1 not classified TBL34 0.6012606612776418 15 MpVg00010.1 0.5934697377781322 79 Mp3g14500.1 not classified ATSIN3, SNL3, SIN3 0.5919682248915495 17 Mp7g19280.1 not classified 0.5711744966560847 19 Mp4g10110.1 not classified 0.557119588581068 21 Mp8g06020.1 not classified 0.5220284792308093 22 Mp8g13770.1 signal peptidase *(SPP) 0.5218367649232176 23 Mp8g00150.1 not classified HR4 0.517675204960477 24 Mp5g09240.1 EC_1.14 oxidoreductase acting on paired donor with incorporation or reduction of molecular oxygen CYP78A7 0.5136720133924846 25 Mp8g17580.1 not classified 0.49882979657737203 26 Mp5g23750.1 not classified 0.4970215639498503 27 Mp5g17810.1 not classified FBX5, ARABIDILLO-1, ARABIDILLO1 0.4940370409569413 50 Mp2g18830.1 not classified 0.4659585042948592 29 Mp3g05690.1 not classified NLP8 0.45544925036839096 33 Mp2g12630.1 not classified 0.4427586009869823 34 Mp1g26650.1 not classified PAB5 0.43270284920958 38 Mp1g09750.1 not classified 0.4191841595461954 47 Mp7g08190.1 not classified EPI1, ERF014, AtERF014 0.39724783678858844 59 Mp5g16660.1 STIG1/GRI precursor polypeptide SAMDC2 0.3925325422075394 62 Mp1g21840.1 not classified AtPOT1a, ATPOT1 0.3914101045014805 64 Mp4g03240.1 EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group ERU, CAP1 0.3892494830497991 67 Mp4g03250.1 EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group ERU, CAP1 0.3892494830497991 68 Mp1g22800.1 not classified ANAC033, SMB, URP7 0.3851475928110718 70 Mp5g19120.1 not classified GC4 0.35939389448055076 92 Mp5g14300.1 not classified 0.3561395430338275 94