Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr Mp6g15210.1 methionyl aminopeptidase *(MAP1). methionyl aminopeptidase *(MAP1). EC_3.4 hydrolase acting on peptide bond (peptidase) MAP1D 0.813029428146582 11 Mp2g25560.1 preprotein processing peptidase *(ICP55). EC_3.4 hydrolase acting on peptide bond (peptidase) 0.7924119747238164 8 Mp2g13800.1 not classified 0.788646238731579 50 Mp2g20090.1 chaperone HSCB of mitochondrial ISC system transfer phase LST8-1 0.7875704275867552 4 Mp2g18820.1 organellar tryptophan-tRNA ligase OVA4 0.7801162661336842 11 MpVg01150.1 SHOU4L 0.7767601822549377 20 Mp2g00760.1 histone *(H2A) H2AXB, HTA3, G-H2AX, GAMMA-H2AX 0.7729708685521359 7 Mpzg00800.1 not classified 0.7712283391480945 12 Mp4g08940.1 glutaredoxin maturation factor *(GRXS17) AtGRXS17, GRXS17 0.7652703478327906 9 Mp6g02770.1 not classified 0.7629008898567669 29 Mpzg00970.1 not classified 0.7572290101427427 15 Mp8g12680.1 not classified 0.7560115851315456 12 Mp4g13240.1 not classified PAT2, WAT1, AP-3 beta 0.7506588822550829 20 Mp3g17130.1 not classified SWAP70, AtSWAP70 0.749073335179076 14 Mp1g14350.1 ER body formation factor *(NAIP) NAIP2 0.7483423134986812 15 Mp2g13610.1 not classified 0.7454309398497526 46 Mpzg00820.1 not classified 0.7431801375333847 17 Mp5g00460.1 component *(PIROGI) of SCAR/WAVE ARP2/3-activating complex PIR121, ATSRA1, LPL2, KLK, SRA1, PIR, PIRP 0.7408736107601848 25 Mp7g11240.1 EC_3.1 hydrolase acting on ester bond. trifunctional methylthioribulose-1-phosphate dehydratase/enolase/phosphatase *(DEP) DEP1 0.7386886573726578 60 Mp2g05950.2 not classified PNM1, RPPR9 0.7346762806168865 20 Mp4g13180.1 not classified PAT2, WAT1, AP-3 beta 0.7327388184955254 31 Mp4g09780.1 molybdate transporter *(MOT). molybdate transporter *(MOT) MOT1 0.7306100374240098 22 Mp5g21730.1 component *(SCAR) of SCAR/WAVE ARP2/3-activating complex ITB1, ATSCAR2, SCAR2, DIS3, WAVE4 0.7282514434055943 32 Mp4g13150.1 not classified PAT2, WAT1, AP-3 beta 0.726102832888235 24 Mp7g07470.1 pterin-4-alpha-carbinolamine dehydratase. EC_4.2 carbon-oxygen lyase 0.7233986616869577 25 Mp1g13140.1 P1B-type heavy metal cation-transporting ATPase *(HMA) ATHMA2, HMA2 0.7232155224510594 26 Mp6g18480.1 bHLH-type transcription factor. regulatory protein (CIB) of blue light perception CIB4 0.7185601690648618 27 Mp5g24520.1 not classified NodGS 0.7148438161479916 40 Mp5g00260.1 not classified GLXI-like;11 0.7137619460159409 40 Mp8g08390.1 not classified 0.71312163485092 30 Mp6g18970.1 cytosolic alpha-glucan phosphorylase. EC_2.4 glycosyltransferase PHS1 0.7090926027842331 53 Mp3g06540.1 EC_1.2 oxidoreductase acting on aldehyde or oxo group of donor E1A2 0.7056781521917631 71 Mp1g21860.1 not classified IQD14 0.6960266467455883 63 Mp7g18100.1 S-adenosyl methionine decarboxylase. EC_4.1 carbon-carbon lyase SAMDC 0.6891097493556961 38 Mp2g10830.1 component *(MSD1) of Katanin-recruiting microtubule-anchoring complex 0.6867527217896141 39 Mp1g25800.1 unfoldase component *(ClpX) of mitochondrion Clp-type protease complex CLPX 0.6844904090706226 56 Mp1g13540.1 not classified 0.6842175587081507 41 Mp3g00030.1 substrate specificity component *(CDC20) of APC/C E3 ubiquitin ligase complex CDC20.2, AtCDC20.2 0.6779669736215571 44 Mp8g07200.1 component *(SEC3) of Exocyst complex SEC3A 0.6753526762235185 63 Mp5g21160.1 not classified ATMPK5, MPK5 0.6742081459040468 48 Mp3g04730.1 not classified 0.6736827589156619 99 Mp6g09290.1 not classified ATSUS4, SUS4 0.6725454528791853 57 Mp6g02870.1 1,2-alpha-fucosyltransferase *(FUT) IPGA1 0.6678671687867324 53 Mp1g12040.1 not classified ARAB-1 0.6657262744265028 56 Mp2g24160.1 not classified 0.6644376287633422 57 Mp8g15060.1 not classified FH10 0.6631939627010334 59 Mp5g05720.1 not classified ATGID1B, GID1B 0.6578582946642041 69 Mp2g13880.1 not classified 0.6576830362602342 66 Mp2g04920.1 regulatory protein *(AMB1303) of thylakoid organisation EMB1303, GSM3 0.6552358341909569 71 Mp3g14120.1 solute transporter *(AAAP) 0.6524095706475477 78 Mp5g09580.1 23S-rRNA maturation helicase *(RH39) RH39 0.6521480434208271 79 Mp2g15490.1 dehydroascorbate reductase *(DHAR) DHAR3 0.6518743114784544 80 Mp4g13050.1 S-adenosyl methionine transporter *(GOSAMT) ANN5, ANNAT5 0.6502240204402281 94 Mp4g09140.1 not classified 0.646040313486604 89 Mp5g15130.1 cationic amino acid transporter *(CAT) CAT9 0.6460052120188308 90 Mp8g00140.1 component *(TRAPPC11) of TRAPP complex ROG2, TRAPPC11 0.6421880818857675 92 Mp8g12190.1 not classified 0.6411243301288522 94