Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr Mp2g15830.1 biotin carboxyl carrier component of polymeric acetyl-CoA carboxylase complex BCCP2, CAC1-B 0.8607394934384291 19 Mp5g06950.1 not classified EXO70C1, ATEXO70C1 0.8538858519795229 8 Mp7g14470.1 hydrolase *(VTE7) involved in tocopherol biosynthesis 0.8532815392347118 42 Mp8g17930.1 not classified DKM, bZIP30 0.8471627186972691 6 Mp5g01370.1 not classified 0.838351080577868 31 Mp8g07080.1 protease *(SBT5) XSP1 0.8313012934447953 73 Mp8g08020.1 not classified 0.8303856670592817 32 Mp7g13650.1 not classified GELP79, AtGELP79 0.8293394820052074 66 Mp2g17000.1 glycolipid transfer protein *(GLTP) GLTP1, ATGLTP1 0.8263421643111234 11 Mp5g05210.1 not classified 0.8224699727690388 28 Mp3g18940.1 transcriptional co-regulator *(OFP) 0.8183574981774878 35 Mp6g20160.1 cysteine desulfhydrase GST25, ATGSTU7, GSTU7 0.8161905763414029 59 Mp5g05860.1 nucleoporin of nuclear pore complex *(NUP58) NUP58, TCU1 0.8121244930187875 54 Mp5g19970.1 proton:lithium/sodium cation antiporter *(SOS1). sodium:proton antiporter *(SOS1) ATNHX7, ATSOS1, SOS1 0.8096899340565467 16 Mp8g07780.1 outer membrane porin *(OEP24) 0.8069856383915426 79 Mp7g15200.1 not classified FMO GS-OX4 0.7957264869366414 26 Mp2g16780.1 beta-Tubulin component *(TUB) of alpha-beta-Tubulin heterodimer TUB3 0.7949712202397637 90 Mp4g16290.1 EC_3.2 glycosylase VI1 0.793296939836177 21 Mp1g14930.1 not classified 0.7907659327297316 34 Mp7g07090.1 not classified GATA12 0.7900488037311084 86 Mp3g07040.1 subunit d of V-type ATPase membrane V0 subcomplex VHA-d2 0.7876796140996515 71 Mp4g06970.1 EC_2.4 glycosyltransferase BRT1, UGT84A2 0.7853806845148227 29 Mp6g19320.1 not classified EMB3142, EDS4 0.7837179397957075 30 Mp5g22840.1 pectin acetylesterase *(PAE) AtPAE10 0.7752280242443135 98 Mp3g25440.1 not classified 0.7718123980283844 47 Mp1g01560.1 not classified 0.7688322364086971 44 Mp8g10580.1 EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group SIMP1 0.7669419971916451 48 Mp7g01230.1 not classified 0.766483642962204 82 Mp1g16210.1 not classified 0.7640939267026343 87 Mp6g00130.1 not classified 0.7593767584520249 97 Mp6g00140.1 not classified 0.7593767584520249 97 Mp7g15110.1 not classified FOLT1, ATFOLT1 0.7571987480631555 85 Mp5g23720.1 subunit beta of type-I protein prenyltransferase complex ATGGT-IB, PGGT-I, GGB 0.7571773047109275 63 Mp6g11420.1 not classified ATGRX2, AtGRXS16, CXIP2 0.7474359223301243 80 Mp5g10070.1 not classified TXND9 0.7393162351141902 94