Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr Mp4g04140.1 not classified GFR 0.5915198542633883 22 Mp5g22330.1 flavin-dependent monooxygenase *(YUCCA) AtYUC2, YUC2 0.5629801767714787 16 Mp2g03910.1 not classified 0.5629801767714786 16 Mp2g14750.1 not classified 0.5629801767714782 16 Mp6g00730.1 not classified RLP29, AtRLP29 0.5329942253880028 60 Mp5g12820.1 not classified AtSS2, SS2 0.44776177248609855 16 Mp5g12830.1 not classified AtSS2, SS2 0.44776177248609855 17 Mp2g03570.1 not classified 0.41810711709045845 34 Mp8g09700.1 not classified DPE2 0.4104868403930687 33 Mp5g01760.1 not classified ATSMC4, SMC2, ATCAP-E1, TTN3 0.40863555053364586 33 Mp3g22340.1 not classified AtcPT4, cPT4, CPT7, AtCPT7 0.4009216473398781 99 Mp5g01290.1 substrate adaptor *(-DILLO) of SCF E3 ubiquitin ligase complex ARABIDILLO2, ARABIDILLO-2 0.39462234501645344 79 Mp1g08950.1 not classified FH13 0.39380411206323707 51 Mp6g09460.1 not classified ATR, ATRAD3, ATATR 0.38960287453944803 60 Mp1g19090.1 not classified ATCPK2, CPK2 0.3875698122958207 63 Mp4g19480.1 regulatory subunit beta of SNF1-related SnRK1 kinase complex. regulatory subunit beta of SnRK1 kinase complex ZIN 1 0.3582263879842391 99