Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr Mp3g12700.2 not classified THY-1, AtDRTS1, DHFR-TS-1 0.8996900797746915 42 Mp6g17360.1 not classified MOS14 0.8977280725120671 61 Mp3g12720.1 not classified 0.8951342624137959 70 Mp5g08350.1 not classified 0.8927312693779529 7 Mp7g05430.1 histone *(H2B) HTB6 0.890252937277876 21 Mp8g15730.1 not classified 0.8826832052713299 71 Mp1g01990.1 N-acetylglucosaminyl-phosphatidylinositol de-N-acetylase *(PIG-L) 0.8823154514115089 76 Mp4g13950.1 EC_3.2 glycosylase 0.881731465792051 44 Mp1g22440.1 not classified PP2A-4 0.876744782432306 87 Mp1g09340.1 not classified 0.8732517348686081 72 Mp1g26010.1 not classified FMO GS-OX4 0.871684660594535 71 Mp4g11120.1 EC_1.14 oxidoreductase acting on paired donor with incorporation or reduction of molecular oxygen 0.871356228828522 38 Mp5g09630.1 not classified AtBBE27 0.8657680327038972 56 Mp5g02140.1 methionyl-tRNA formyltransferase pde194 0.8625820054363449 55 Mp2g14040.1 not classified NCA1 0.8625022954521696 38 Mp3g17220.1 not classified ZIP2, ATVPS41, ATVAM2, VAM2, VPS41 0.860556546946183 42 Mp8g01940.1 component *(PIG-H) of GPI N-acetylglucosamine transferase complex 0.859883695718503 43 Mp5g24060.1 not classified 0.8569353645653766 50 Mp6g14420.1 solute transporter *(MTCC) MIT2 0.8545392923411052 100 Mp2g14910.1 not classified 0.8518515877071838 64 Mp5g22520.1 scaffold factor *(COILIN) of Cajal body formation COILIN, Atcoilin 0.8515439939051848 77 Mp2g09040.1 pyrrolidone-carboxylate peptidase 0.8498975421779723 72 MpVg00070.1 TL2, ATL2 0.8446112965599886 88 Mp4g09530.1 not classified 0.8434587677659381 90 Mp2g08980.1 EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group. PDK protein kinase PDK1, ATPDK1 0.8405500393307701 100