Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr Mp5g12830.1 not classified AtSS2, SS2 1.0 1 Mp4g19480.1 regulatory subunit beta of SNF1-related SnRK1 kinase complex. regulatory subunit beta of SnRK1 kinase complex ZIN 1 0.5750552115314279 2 Mp1g19090.1 not classified ATCPK2, CPK2 0.5553929783001866 6 Mp2g26130.1 not classified 0.5379591816572468 12 Mp7g08360.1 not classified MCTP7 0.516055333332784 27 Mp2g03910.1 not classified 0.4759534819947485 42 Mp5g22330.1 flavin-dependent monooxygenase *(YUCCA) AtYUC2, YUC2 0.4759534819947484 42 Mp2g14750.1 not classified 0.47595348199474813 42 Mp5g20010.1 not classified PEL2 0.44776177248609855 16 Mp5g17710.1 not classified CLS8, RNR1, DPD2, ATRNR1, R1 0.4412784189911289 13 Mp4g14410.1 not classified 0.4176144178337803 38 Mp3g22020.1 not classified mTERF9 0.3707171837178758 29 Mp2g12280.1 not classified HSP17.6C 0.35581490625202944 74 Mp8g14590.1 not classified SGC 0.35331432324168527 30 Mp2g03570.1 not classified 0.35005236417550045 86 Mp6g05610.1 not classified GYRA 0.33820605592572967 53 Mp4g16600.1 phosphate transporter *(PHT2) 0.33324068568179804 78 Mp1g08950.1 not classified FH13 0.33013205935530454 89 Mp3g03580.1 not classified AtFH14, AFH14 0.3243523187327341 63 MpVg01040.1 atgsl7, gsl07, ATGSL07, GSL07, GSL7, CalS7 0.3241796405572155 56