Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr Mp6g00320.1 not classified NSF 0.7918611139968588 36 Mp8g07630.1 not classified 0.7759999697702574 29 Mp4g02180.1 not classified CASPL4D1 0.7505399131803503 75 Mp5g02070.1 not classified PER3, RCI3, RCI3A 0.745713393043579 28 Mp4g08800.1 not classified AFB2 0.7391200572472603 40 Mp3g10330.1 not classified 0.7362477876221426 59 Mp4g04110.1 cyclic nucleotide-gated cation channel *(CNGC) ATCNGC5, CNGC5 0.7263608524383446 87 Mp7g16570.1 not classified 0.7133773357086373 94 Mp4g19900.1 phosphate transporter *(PHT2) PHT2;1, ORF02 0.7044172517035568 97 Mp2g18560.1 substrate adaptor *(HWS) of SCF E3 ubiquitin ligase complex. substrate adaptor of SCF E3 ubiquitin ligase complex. substrate(LEAFY) adaptor of SCF E3 ubiquitin ligase *(UFO). substrate adaptor of SCF E3 ubiquitin ligase complex. substrate adaptor *(LCR) of SCF E3 ubiquitin ligase complex AtHsp90-3, AtHsp90.3, Hsp81.3, HSP81-3 0.6848672820644561 75 Mp5g23380.1 not classified RGIL6 0.681983471162204 96 Mp2g08570.1 T2-type RNase *(RNS) RNS3 0.6760598755853402 97 Mp5g06080.1 histone demethylase *(JMJD6) 0.6613211888514559 43 Mp7g17970.1 not classified 0.6594510125542323 31 Mp8g10440.1 chlorophyllase *(CLH). EC_3.1 hydrolase acting on ester bond ATP1 0.6324951810671735 77 Mp4g06810.1 not classified 0.6264116512634775 57 Mp3g09750.1 alpha-class expansin EXP17, ATEXPA17, ATHEXP ALPHA 1.13, ATEXP17, EXPA17 0.6131529436333677 94 Mp4g02190.1 not classified EMB2453, ATPPR5, PPR5 0.6103691249653861 79