Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr Mp3g21740.1 alpha dioxygenase. alpha dioxygenase *(DOX) alpha-DOX2, ALPHA DOX2 0.9666439083308053 6 Mp4g05490.1 subfamily ABCG transporter ATPDR7, ABCG35, PDR7 0.9541415252863776 6 Mp7g14960.1 EC_2.3 acyltransferase. chalcone synthase ATCHS, CHS, TT4 0.952934280109107 40 Mp2g22410.1 class phi glutathione S-transferase GSTF9, ATGSTF9, ATGSTF7, GLUTTR 0.9503501205542153 24 Mp7g16260.1 subfamily ABCG transporter RZ-1A, ATRZ-1A, RBGB2 0.9503353423560141 18 Mp1g28940.1 EC_2.3 acyltransferase FTSH8 0.9463090594838588 45 Mp7g09350.1 subgroup ERF-IX transcription factor CRF6 0.9443147809761004 15 Mp4g18370.1 EC_2.3 acyltransferase. chalcone synthase ATCHS, CHS, TT4 0.9436934349970507 38 Mp4g14150.1 EC_2.3 acyltransferase. chalcone synthase ATCHS, CHS, TT4 0.9410080484006009 55 Mp5g16900.1 not classified PRX56 0.9406189282398183 59 Mp6g02130.1 aureusidin synthase UGT84B2 0.9404675184129389 50 Mp7g13860.1 subfamily ABCC transporter. glutathione S-conjugate transporter EST4, ATMRP2, MRP2, AtABCC2, ABCC2 0.9404247512341732 21 Mp2g00660.1 EC_1.13 oxidoreductase acting on single donor with incorporation of molecular oxygen (oxygenase) ATLOX1, LOX1 0.9384688010728083 47 Mp5g04040.1 not classified 0.9361812916133115 60 Mp6g11940.1 not classified OPT3, ATOPT3 0.9354203582168352 54 Mp7g14930.1 EC_2.3 acyltransferase. chalcone synthase ATCHS, CHS, TT4 0.9345555943525434 36 Mp2g00690.1 not classified 0.9340625017070778 29 Mp7g14890.1 chalcone synthase. EC_2.3 acyltransferase ATCHS, CHS, TT4 0.9339762827340307 18 Mp3g10520.1 EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group. RKF3 protein kinase RKF3 0.9333703552535448 19 Mp3g09800.1 not classified CTL18 0.9325563538269893 44 Mp8g09630.1 PR6 protease inhibitor 0.9313914392545705 21 Mp5g16220.1 solute transporter *(UmamiT) RAX3, MYB84, ATMYB84 0.9304831614810373 38 Mp2g08470.1 not classified NTF2 0.9301092483216861 41 Mp2g14920.1 calcium sensor *(CML) CML7, RHS1 0.9294045696785704 35 Mp2g14960.1 calcium sensor *(CML) CML7, RHS1 0.9294045696785704 35 Mp8g08710.1 not classified 0.9277954249243723 65 Mp3g17660.1 WRKY-type transcription factor WRKY31, ATWRKY31 0.9277384142297341 78 Mp5g21770.1 phospholipase-A2 *(pPLA2-II)) PLA IVA, PLP1, AtPLAIVA 0.9274252744191998 28 Mp7g14880.1 phenylalanine ammonia lyase *(PAL). EC_4.3 carbon-nitrogen lyase PAL1, ATPAL1 0.9262445049352958 47 Mp4g23710.1 class theta glutathione S-transferase UMAMIT10 0.9260480054547069 30 Mp7g04240.1 not classified CAK2AT, AT;CDCKD;3, CDKD1;3 0.9253449562099179 70 Mp1g28300.1 EC_6.4 ligase forming carbon-carbon bond. acetyl-CoA carboxylase *(ACC). EC_6.3 ligase forming carbon-nitrogen bond. monomeric acetyl-CoA carboxylase *(ACC) AT-ACC1, 115D-4A, ACC1, PAS3, EMB22, GSD1, SFR3, GK 0.9249119279184459 49 Mp2g18620.1 not classified 0.9224818339126354 75 Mp6g06900.1 not classified 0.9213165814895329 34 Mp4g14110.1 EC_4.3 carbon-nitrogen lyase. phenylalanine ammonia lyase *(PAL) PAL1, ATPAL1 0.9199491295735707 86 Mp2g05780.1 aureusidin synthase DDW1 0.9192797259812121 36 Mp5g15510.1 gamma-aminobutyric acid transporter *(GABP) AtGABP, GABP, BAT1 0.9191776948731286 37 Mp2g01740.1 not classified 0.9187629765065005 63 Mp2g03800.1 not classified LBD7 0.9184852450330798 65 Mp5g07950.1 solute transporter *(MTCC) DIC2, UCP4 0.9182951047875202 40 Mp2g22390.1 class phi glutathione S-transferase GSTF9, ATGSTF9, ATGSTF7, GLUTTR 0.9181732790655293 41 Mp5g16770.1 not classified 0.9178154716926544 74 Mp6g08530.1 EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group AGC1-9 0.917526609509104 43 Mp2g01930.1 not classified GLP10 0.9172588364974625 51 Mp1g25240.1 subfamily ABCG transporter JAT3, ABCG6 0.9168516218817457 45 Mp5g16930.1 not classified EDA34 0.9165174240496269 69 Mp5g14900.1 not classified HLP1, RBGD5 0.9156071168461165 50 Mp3g11830.1 auxin efflux transporter *(ABCB19). subfamily ABCB transporter MDR1, ATMDR1, MDR11, ATPGP19, PGP19, ABCB19, ATABCB19, ATMDR11 0.9140366741098985 49 Mp5g16920.1 not classified 0.9136030140602193 64 Mp5g04090.1 class phi glutathione S-transferase GST6, GSTF8, ATGSTF8, ATGSTF5 0.9134737450418897 51 Mp8g12150.1 PR6 protease inhibitor 0.9131962067160836 70 Mp3g20930.1 EC_3.4 hydrolase acting on peptide bond (peptidase). A1-class (Pepsin) protease 0.9130445040721952 53 Mp4g14120.1 EC_2.3 acyltransferase. chalcone synthase ATCHS, CHS, TT4 0.9119776723127887 95 Mp3g21670.1 scaffold protein ISCA1 of mitochondrial ISC system transfer phase 0.9113422213524623 55 Mp8g04680.1 ABC1 atypical protein kinase abc1k7, SIA1, AtSIA1 0.9104385635007741 58 Mp3g07440.1 not classified IMB4 0.9101958791114828 59 Mp8g02590.1 not classified PGL2, PG1 0.9097054181850943 60 Mp3g11550.1 not classified 0.9094823101764811 61 Mp2g02400.1 not classified 0.9081979901297792 62 Mp6g09250.1 EC_3.6 hydrolase acting on acid anhydride. P4-type ATPase component *(ALA) of phospholipid flippase complex. active component *(ALA) of ALA-ALIS flippase complex ALA1 0.9081473171098609 63 Mp2g08710.1 not classified 0.9070147215732235 65 Mp6g06370.1 aureusidin synthase MED13, GCT, MAB2 0.9065561567926825 93 Mpzg01100.1 aureusidin synthase MED13, GCT, MAB2 0.9065561567926825 93 Mp4g10780.1 not classified CPK18 0.9047081350695703 69 Mp3g11880.1 cardiolipin deacylase. EC_2.3 acyltransferase 0.9046144754376327 70 Mp8g09770.1 EC_2.4 glycosyltransferase UGT76E12 0.9044492983694028 88 Mp5g01190.1 not classified 0.9040865653781653 77 Mp5g15990.1 not classified Hsp89.1, AtHsp90.6, AtHsp90-6 0.9033452571832442 73 Mp2g11820.1 not classified GATL1, ATGATL1, PARVUS, GLZ1 0.9030178041145666 75 Mp6g10900.1 not classified FIB, PGL35, FIB1a 0.902998305374144 76 Mp5g01200.1 EC_6.2 ligase forming carbon-sulfur bond. p-coumarate:CoA ligase *(4CL). p-coumarate:CoA ligase *(4CL) 4CL.1, AT4CL1, 4CL1 0.9029850316283006 85 Mp5g02340.1 not classified DEM1 0.902534651797457 78 Mp2g00910.1 bHLH-type transcription factor ATTIF3A1, TIF3A1, EIF3A-1, ATEIF3A-1, EIF3A 0.9020923076133353 79 Mp7g15440.1 not classified iqd15 0.8998419715640144 80 Mp8g02570.1 not classified ATL83 0.899626275897351 81 Mp8g02600.1 not classified ATL83 0.899626275897351 82 Mp8g12130.1 subfamily ABCG transporter ABCG15 0.8995201299754233 83 Mp2g21800.1 subfamily ABCG transporter ABCG29, AtABCG29, ATPDR1, PDR1 0.8980083376693179 85 Mp8g08980.1 not classified CYP705A20 0.8970767125465111 86 Mp4g14100.1 chalcone synthase. EC_2.3 acyltransferase ATCHS, CHS, TT4 0.8969427588478008 87 Mp8g02970.1 not classified 0.8965535977293906 88 Mp3g12040.1 transcriptional co-regulator *(Pirin) GNL2 0.8962936742874538 89 Mp8g03170.1 not classified 0.8956516189669693 91 Mp5g17910.1 not classified 0.8950520221880902 92 Mp2g08260.1 LAV-ABI3-type transcription factor ABI3, AtABI3, SIS10 0.8945377726224906 93 Mp3g00010.1 WRKY-type transcription factor WRKY39, ATWRKY39 0.8944366520696784 94 Mp5g06060.1 EC_2.3 acyltransferase 0.8943787695900943 95 Mp5g16230.1 solute transporter *(UmamiT) 0.8927433235464485 97 Mp5g23610.1 serine O-acetyltransferase *(SAT). EC_2.3 acyltransferase SAT-106, ATSERAT3;1 0.8917223258277716 98 Mp6g02560.1 ketopantoate hydroxymethyltransferase *(PanB) PANB1, KPHMT1 0.8916339005438688 99 Mp2g17690.1 not classified 0.8909956117410739 100