Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr Mp3g06260.1 non-specific cation channel *(PQL1) IQD11 0.7641562163780681 2 Mp8g10120.1 not classified 0.7308333687683644 7 Mp3g02080.1 alkaline sucrose-specific invertase *(CIN) A/N-InvE, At-A/N-InvE, INV-E 0.6636428817493825 76 Mp1g04630.1 EC_3.6 hydrolase acting on acid anhydride. active component *(ALA) of ALA-ALIS flippase complex. P4-type ATPase component *(ALA) of phospholipid flippase complex ALA2 0.6283894229315716 18 Mp2g22890.1 not classified AtTLP1, TLP1 0.6073561918113659 15 Mp7g17830.1 not classified 0.5743328509577877 66 Mp5g11010.1 not classified 0.569196884194411 59 Mp5g12550.1 E3 ubiquitin ligase. E3 ubiquitin ligase *(PUB15) PUB10 0.5444275151798431 69 Mp3g20300.1 not classified 0.5241323521626137 91