Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr Mp3g10670.1 not classified GC2 0.8732370418484804 1 Mp3g25480.1 anion channel *(QUAC/ALMT) ALMT9, AtALMT9 0.8602856174758885 6 Mp5g04150.1 not classified 0.8479024876581379 24 Mp7g14020.1 not classified RON2, LUG 0.8419693405339792 70 Mp4g02420.1 not classified LYK4, AtLYK4 0.8286002556695989 9 Mp5g14070.1 not classified EDA28, MEE23, AtBBE-like 15 0.8271050365787918 66 Mp3g18200.1 not classified emb1027 0.8193747409947948 13 Mp5g15410.1 substrate adaptor *(RIFP1) of SCF E3 ubiquitin ligase complex 0.8188350560047252 73 Mp5g10450.1 not classified ATGWD2, PWD, At4g24450, GWD3 0.8150040603057332 85 Mp1g15720.1 component *(CcmH) of apocytochrome-heme assembly complex ATCCMH, CCMH 0.8083849462389225 87 Mp7g03220.1 not classified DTWD2B 0.8070736602091841 37 Mp7g08640.1 not classified RK3, ARK3 0.8062329107364541 58 Mp7g18430.1 not classified PRE, NUP96, MOS3, SAR3 0.8062101140572732 97 Mp6g03660.1 not classified 0.8041157437500258 15 Mp3g23830.1 not classified RAP2.5, ATERF4, ERF4, ATERF-4 0.8033419046269281 51 Mp7g11640.1 not classified ANAC040, NTL8 0.8010185066914595 90 Mp5g20480.1 pre-40S ribosomal subunit assembly factor *(RRP7) RRP7 0.7940314613458072 62 Mp5g18720.1 not classified 0.7926695671675814 23 Mp8g04480.1 not classified DSC2 0.7892451615289573 25 Mp3g08110.1 not classified 0.7891033566751551 30 Mp3g24370.1 not classified 0.7871346995090373 89 Mp5g21190.1 not classified PKS4 0.7850677999299159 38 Mp6g14530.1 not classified STK, AGL11 0.784926688754982 32 Mp6g07300.1 not classified AtTCP14, TCP14 0.777028597559646 39 Mp8g00770.1 pectate lyase. EC_4.2 carbon-oxygen lyase 0.7719760220932255 47 Mp8g00410.1 not classified 0.7656071048131229 53 Mp2g24140.1 not classified 0.7618247122168764 86 Mp1g10160.1 not classified RH18 0.7560196244333849 81 Mp3g02680.1 not classified VLN5 0.7540609741168852 79 Mp7g10420.1 not classified BRG1 0.7540384344498101 94 Mp2g07070.1 not classified 0.7532349020568374 83 Mp8g00380.1 ammonium transporter *(AMT1) AMT1;1, ATAMT1, ATAMT1;1 0.7506142724218284 88 Mp8g00390.1 ammonium transporter *(AMT1) AMT1;1, ATAMT1, ATAMT1;1 0.7506142724218284 89 Mp8g00440.1 ammonium transporter *(AMT1) AMT1;1, ATAMT1, ATAMT1;1 0.7506142724218284 90 Mp3g19250.1 not classified VAC1, ECB2, ATECB2 0.7501759513392529 91 Mp1g06060.1 not classified FLA18 0.7440164168310222 98 Mp3g15810.1 not classified 0.7435349148791284 99