Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr Mp4g13190.1 not classified 0.8458167250547888 6 Mp8g04920.1 not classified KCS8 0.8314728601249601 9 Mp8g04910.1 not classified RH1, ATRH1 0.8225352665690576 53 Mp5g18070.1 regulatory component *(RPN10) of 26S proteasome MBP1, RPN10, ATMCB1, MCB1 0.8065961753227718 30 Mp2g09190.1 component *(TASH3) of TPLATE AP-2 co-adaptor complex TASH3 0.8001769610080033 10 Mpzg01340.1 EC_3.4 hydrolase acting on peptide bond (peptidase). C1-class subclass ALP thiol protease AALP, SAG2, ALP 0.7875499522344075 59 Mp1g09250.1 not classified 0.7872470355170318 96 Mp5g13440.1 gamma-glutamyl hydrolase *(GGH). EC_3.4 hydrolase acting on peptide bond (peptidase) GGH2, ATGGH2 0.7842914335113116 30 Mp7g17500.1 beta-1,3-galactosyltransferase *(B3GALT) 0.7808580088167195 13 Mp8g09340.1 not classified 0.7712867109925818 47 Mp4g13270.1 not classified RH1, ATRH1 0.7672472752716428 15 Mp3g04390.1 not classified RLF 0.7644636827750239 53 Mp1g05360.1 not classified 0.7617920512285588 38 Mp2g06910.1 EC_1.14 oxidoreductase acting on paired donor with incorporation or reduction of molecular oxygen CYP704A2 0.7596979494626193 82 Mp1g00590.1 not classified SUS3, ATSUS3 0.7486979294710684 41 Mp4g13260.1 not classified 0.7471472022083119 89 Mp8g15330.1 not classified ARLA1A, ARL8c, ATARLA1A 0.7360197204603748 52 Mp5g09060.1 not classified 0.7351484261248722 76 Mp3g13890.1 not classified 0.7336353403638817 98 Mp8g08600.1 component *(ARP4) of SWR1 chromatin remodeling complex. component *(ARP4) shared with NuA4/SWR1 complexes ARP4, ATARP4 0.7335730956798284 74 Mp8g14280.1 not classified 0.7312200250059718 98 Mp3g15580.1 deubiquitinase recruiting protein *(BRO1) ALIX 0.7232020203716203 92 MpVg00600.1 RPT1, PHOT1, JK224, NPH1 0.7216366402105352 57 Mp1g00540.1 not classified ACC2 0.7036447300419456 82 Mp3g09400.1 not classified MEE69, MES20, ATMES20 0.7026158355004015 84 Mp4g10990.1 accessory component *(ATG101) of ATG1-13 autophagosome assembly control complex ATG101 0.7008621301159718 86 Mp8g00450.1 vesicle tethering small GTPase *(RAB5). F-class RAB GTPase AtARA6, ARA-6, ARA6, RABF1, ATRABF1, ATRAB5C 0.6985270359823927 90 Mp3g19860.1 not classified 0.6981234852850234 94 Mp2g00630.1 not classified ATMBD9, MBD9 0.6947998249439681 98