Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr Mp5g09560.1 not classified NTMC2T5.2, NTMC2TYPE5.2 0.8489819738232528 5 MpVg01160.1 ATCDPK1, AtCPK10, CDPK1, CPK10 0.8481999837046886 16 Mp2g15270.1 not classified 0.844452516650795 34 Mp3g04350.1 regulatory protein *(MTV1) of vesicle trafficking MTV1 0.8376923451545971 4 Mp1g03910.1 component *(CSN3) of COP9 signalosome complex COP13, FUS11, CSN3 0.8366028253351321 34 Mp1g06120.1 component *(mS84) of small mitoribosomal-subunit proteome 0.827750943605951 61 Mp1g19520.1 substrate-to-CDC48 bridging factor *(PUX10) PUX10 0.8277071817784866 15 Mp4g03990.1 not classified 0.8259321710318959 92 Mp3g02060.1 not classified ATSLY1 0.8146398458486733 54 Mp7g14080.1 component *(TFB1) of multifunctional TFIIh complex. component *(TFB1) of TFIIh basal transcription factor complex 0.8146356037533072 88 Mp5g24460.1 CHD3-type chromatin remodeling factor *(PKL/PKR) SSL2, CHR6, CHD3, GYM, HRB2, EPP1, LWR1, CKH2, PKL 0.807955416298626 14 Mp6g01490.1 borate transporter *(BOR) 0.8076728015049912 36 Mp7g09280.1 component *(p24-beta) of GPI-anchor protein cargo receptor complex p24beta2 0.8048460372642484 95 Mp3g13650.1 deubiquitinase *(UBP24) UBP24 0.8042133371812906 57 Mp5g15490.1 not classified 0.7958145908969851 42 Mp4g05580.1 EC_1.14 oxidoreductase acting on paired donor with incorporation or reduction of molecular oxygen. delta7-sterol C-5 desaturase 0.794187263151062 25 Mp2g07230.1 not classified 0.7932160409650714 29 Mp8g06680.1 EC_3.2 glycosylase. subunit alpha of class-II glucosidase II complex GSCIIalpha, PSL5, RSW3 0.7927341516946207 100 Mp3g18680.1 not classified RGD3, CHA16, BTAF1, ATBTAF1, CHR16 0.7882321554987798 34 Mp1g04540.1 ribonuclease *(RNC1) 0.7835967064115011 37 Mp1g05370.1 not classified PAE6, AtPAE6 0.7797111969065494 81 Mp6g02550.1 not classified 0.7764249268013823 92 Mp1g22920.1 not classified 0.7755015007986881 51 Mp8g17460.1 receptor component *(PYL/RCAR) of cytoplasm-localized abscisic acid receptor complex RCAR14, PYL2 0.7752189615670989 53 Mp2g03880.1 ATP-dependent metalloprotease *(FtsH4/11) ftsh4, AtFtsH4 0.7719101974290284 58 Mp5g19450.1 not classified ATLOX2, LOX2 0.7706885441412482 60 Mp7g02650.1 not classified HBP5, AtHBP5 0.76786292193129 99 Mp2g07660.1 EC_2.1 transferase transferring one-carbon group. serine hydroxymethyltransferase *(SHM) AtSHMT3, SHM3 0.7644558463387178 69 Mp7g00310.1 component *(bS18m) of small mitoribosomal-subunit proteome 0.759836863705569 76 Mp6g21300.1 non-proteolytic core component *(ClpR) of chloroplast Clp-type protease complex 0.7597293144974191 84 Mp5g22270.1 carrier protein *(CIA2/AE7) of cytosolic CIA system transfer phase AE7 0.7550859731478156 95 Mp6g11500.1 not classified 0.7527039838891864 94 Mp3g10560.1 co-chaperone *(Hsp40) DNAJ 0.7484117047106936 100