Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr Mp4g14380.1 not classified 0.8848716469538593 5 Mp8g13150.1 not classified 0.8508416497246625 3 Mp3g21190.1 not classified 0.8364532788046708 11 Mp1g24280.1 tyrosyl protein sulfotransferase. peptide sulfotransferase *(SGN2) AQC1, HPS7, TPST 0.8310791398807086 42 Mp7g15910.1 not classified SDN2 0.8151510932572835 96 Mp6g20670.1 not classified KEG 0.8105422624361605 85 Mp4g07030.1 not classified GGL28 0.810233335126338 23 Mp3g13320.1 not classified FKBP62, ROF1, ATFKBP62 0.8086593841179301 28 Mp5g01570.1 not classified ANNAT8, ANN8 0.8011435672445789 15 Mp4g01660.1 not classified 0.8001871813781769 17 Mp4g00410.1 not classified 0.7945747560313832 29 Mp7g00850.1 not classified PSE1 0.7887971562435411 26 Mp4g16750.1 CAPE precursor polypeptide PR1, ATPR1, AtCAPE9, PR 1 0.7875228689690605 68 Mp3g02850.1 regulatory subunit of acetolactate synthase complex. regulatory subunit of acetolactate synthase complex AHASS1, AIP1 0.78662774197839 28 Mp8g05470.1 not classified SD2-5 0.785331379994608 29 Mp4g05250.1 not classified CLC-C, ATCLC-C 0.7853197251413094 30 Mp2g23810.1 component *(BLOS1) of BLOC-1 endosome-to-vacuole sorting complex BLOS1 0.7694054513387616 39 Mp1g21040.1 not classified 0.7634104771357528 44 Mp3g15610.1 not classified TASTY, ESR, ESP 0.7528950864053802 65 Mp1g25370.1 not classified 0.7527484463628038 66 Mp1g15190.1 not classified 0.7520469375776584 68 Mp8g01930.1 EC_2.4 glycosyltransferase 0.7518418955760857 68 Mp8g03610.1 solute transporter *(UmamiT) TAF14B, YAF9a, GAS41 0.749837312967411 72 Mp2g24380.1 not classified 0.7396151803889138 90