Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr Mp6g14210.1 protease *(SBT2) 0.93302247419199 1 Mp3g24840.1 not classified COR78, LTI140, RD29A, LTI78 0.9324774787860856 2 Mp7g00370.1 EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group. RLCK-V receptor-like protein kinase 0.8992958822218783 3 Mp5g22080.1 not classified 0.8862701859933857 4 Mp7g01880.1 EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group. LRR-VI-2 protein kinase 0.8816263235275801 5 Mp1g24220.1 bifunctional diaminopelargonic acid (DAPA) aminotransferase and dethiobiotin synthetase BIO3, BIO1 0.8694207667797195 9 Mp3g10770.1 not classified Fh5, ATFH5 0.864224863628852 14 Mp5g04500.1 NEK protein kinase. EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group NEK6, IBO1, ATNEK6 0.8576208457216226 14 Mp2g05330.1 not classified 0.8560677852810223 34 Mp7g08350.1 pectin methyltransferase *(QUA2) involved in pectin-dependent cell adhesion QUL2 0.8560189523273949 10 Mp4g12630.1 not classified 0.8528480030892701 48 Mp3g21300.1 not classified ATZNMP, ATPREP1, PREP1 0.8526669595019742 17 Mp3g11100.1 EC_1.14 oxidoreductase acting on paired donor with incorporation or reduction of molecular oxygen. p-coumaroyl shikimate/quinate 3'-hydroxylase *(C3'H) REF8, CYP98A3 0.8488143884281972 53 Mp1g22150.1 not classified IDI2, IPIAT1, IPP2 0.8477721003789833 41 Mp2g26830.1 EC_2.6 transferase transferring nitrogenous group. alanine aminotransferase *(PYD4) AGT2 0.846077242495564 15 Mp5g24030.1 not classified CRK23 0.8432899244304309 16 Mp1g22270.1 not classified BPP1 0.8417332844113823 27 Mp4g02010.1 component *(MED19) of head module of MEDIATOR transcription co-activator complex AtZAT6, ZAT6, CZF2, C2H2 0.8374777381013515 18 Mp7g01740.1 not classified 0.8356781483398119 68 Mp8g03720.1 not classified ABCI18, ATNAP4, NAP4 0.8341301767986211 39 Mp4g01070.1 microtubule orientation regulator *(CLASP). regulatory protein of microtubule orientation *(CLASP) ATCLASP, CLASP 0.8340887793874209 21 Mp2g25700.1 Kinesin-7-type motor protein NACK2, TES, ATNACK2 0.8306276241044941 66 Mp3g10620.1 not classified POL2B, TIL2 0.8285341418621804 76 Mp4g00050.1 not classified 0.8268975595250642 36 Mp3g23340.1 EC_2.1 transferase transferring one-carbon group. phospho-base N-methyltransferase AtPMT2, AtPMEAMT, PMEAMT 0.8266814682983912 42 Mp1g02740.1 glycosyltransferase (QUA1) involved in pectin-dependent cell adhesion GAUT8, QUA1 0.8232291570394866 80 Mp3g01170.1 pectin methylesterase 0.8223668119122306 85 Mp5g06550.1 RopGEF guanine nucleotide exchange factor *(PRONE) ATROPGEF1, ROPGEF1 0.8210324972980639 53 Mp3g01820.1 not classified AHL29, SOB3 0.8191797308357117 79 Mp2g23500.1 alpha-Tubulin component *(TUA) of alpha-beta-Tubulin heterodimer TUA2 0.8188967511904603 33 Mp2g11920.1 subfamily ABCB transporter ABCB1, PGP1, ATPGP1 0.8186615156187829 64 Mp7g08300.1 not classified ATLP-1 0.8172602600704789 56 Mp8g04500.1 not classified 0.8161200631138479 39 Mp5g13230.1 subfamily ABCC transporter ABCC4, ATMRP4, MRP4, EST3 0.8141382890558014 62 Mp7g16830.1 EC_3.2 glycosylase 0.8095667074527444 94 Mp5g03920.1 pectin methylesterase 0.808903623041608 54 Mp5g03930.1 pectin methylesterase 0.808903623041608 54 Mp2g21700.1 not classified PLDALPHA3 0.807975382353132 46 Mp1g24230.1 alpha-class expansin EXPA11, ATHEXP ALPHA 1.14, ATEXP11, EXP11, ATEXPA11 0.8057654787911507 51 Mp1g21550.1 component *(TRS120/VAN4) of TRAPP-II complex-specific components TRAPPC9, TRS120, AtTRS120, VAN4 0.8042207825155411 49 Mp3g07900.1 not classified 0.7998520673032601 81 Mp3g03900.1 not classified CID4 0.7977805407561659 95 Mp5g09760.1 PLATZ-type transcription factor SUVH10, SDG11 0.7960763527391926 66 Mp2g05380.1 not classified 0.7859990105817716 69 Mp5g20940.1 not classified DCL4, ATDCL4 0.7858236199054389 70 Mp3g18940.1 transcriptional co-regulator *(OFP) 0.7853254162252583 74 Mp3g21310.1 L-lectin protein kinase 0.784414269079341 73 Mp8g02860.1 not classified ERD3 0.7830810552389816 75 Mp1g09310.1 not classified HAT14 0.7785154538614337 88 Mp4g20620.1 not classified 0.7781091151398862 82 Mp3g03880.1 alpha-class expansin ATHEXP ALPHA 1.1, ATEXPA10, AT-EXP10, EXPA10, ATEXP10, EXP10 0.7778834466420366 84 Mp6g07160.1 component *(PSF3) of GINS DNA replication fork maintenance complex 0.7761149149781388 96 Mp4g21060.1 not classified SSL2, CHR6, CHD3, GYM, HRB2, EPP1, LWR1, CKH2, PKL 0.7749214384099232 86 Mp1g11550.1 UDP-N-acetylglucosamine O-acyltransferase *(LpxA) LpxA, AtLpxA 0.7745353184682494 87 Mp3g21600.1 P3A-type proton-translocating ATPase *(AHA) HA1, OST2, AHA1, PMA 0.7709965974858263 88 Mp2g18760.1 not classified 0.7695591131155038 92 Mp4g18010.1 infection-specific kinase *(RINRK). EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group. LRR-III protein kinase PXC1 0.7678432873509011 96 Mp1g01560.1 not classified 0.767766892898241 97 Mp5g04170.1 regulatory pyruvate orthophosphate dikinase kinase. EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group AtRP2, RP2 0.7665825803088336 99 Mp3g18700.1 EC_1.14 oxidoreductase acting on paired donor with incorporation or reduction of molecular oxygen CYP71B30P 0.7660342454950215 100