Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr Mp1g21960.1 protein involved in PS-II assembly *(LPA1) LPA1 0.964816109335991 6 Mp7g12330.1 not classified 0.9508329844818233 8 Mp2g10090.1 not classified REC2 0.9471263260224031 18 Mp2g07960.1 not classified TAF15b 0.9433760891102485 24 Mp1g13340.1 FAD synthetase *(RibF) 0.9420411817553394 55 Mp5g14380.1 tRNA amino-3-propylcarboxyuridine synthase *(DTWD2) DTWD2B 0.9383098878850988 6 Mp7g11190.1 EC_2.5 transferase transferring alkyl or aryl group, other than methyl group OASB, CPACS1, ACS1, ATCS-B 0.9350222101338326 11 Mp5g19710.1 not classified AL2 0.9319940958360028 8 Mp8g08160.1 not classified FAF3 0.9279210022146785 20 Mp5g17550.1 not classified atnudt20, NUDT20 0.9278810296232417 90 Mp1g10270.1 component *(MED11) of head module of MEDIATOR transcription co-activator complex MED11 0.925335712637656 74 Mp2g19750.1 not classified PGR5-LIKE A 0.923751801226956 13 Mp4g09200.1 not classified ATCSLA07, ATCSLA7, CSLA07, CSLA7 0.9210933028398488 24 Mp1g08000.1 not classified GPAT7, ATGPAT7 0.9159947743693363 53 Mp2g14990.1 plastid division FtsZ assembly factor *(MinD) ATMIND1, MIND, ARC11 0.9154629773115689 44 Mp6g00800.1 component *(Pex2) of receptor polyubiquitination system TED3, PEX2, ATPEX2 0.9136242934677398 32 Mp2g12390.1 not classified CASPL4D1 0.9135160511746603 95 Mp3g01080.1 not classified 0.9121885362846807 41 Mp1g21490.1 catalytic protein *(MurF) of UDP-N-acetylmuramic acid pentapeptide formation RON2, LUG 0.9098306551819508 49 Mp1g22750.1 not classified 0.9083883891081382 32 Mp5g07370.1 E2 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme *(UBC27) UBC27 0.9067910238531084 75 Mp2g14620.1 regulatory protein *(ELMO) involved in pectin-dependent cell adhesion ELMO4, NKS1 0.9045818139994108 29 Mp8g03500.1 not classified 0.9018995491255984 31 Mp1g02650.1 not classified LRX5 0.901776999572455 32 Mp1g01870.1 serine O-acetyltransferase *(SAT). EC_2.3 acyltransferase SAT-106, ATSERAT3;1 0.9013019833591228 33 Mp2g13890.1 not classified 0.9010150604500697 79 Mp4g09250.1 not classified GER1, GLP1, ATGER1 0.900636396353758 39 Mp2g07190.1 not classified IAA24, MP, ARF5 0.8998590267572647 41 Mp6g14550.1 L-lectin protein kinase. EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group LecRK-S.5 0.8983024043498455 40 Mp2g05680.1 not classified CCR2, ATCCR2 0.8979126906089254 41 Mp3g03830.1 tRNA guanine-methyltransferase *(TRM5) AtTRM5a, TRM5a 0.8926421957812354 53 Mp1g28320.1 mTERF-type transcription factor 0.8912059005270292 93 Mp2g19900.1 not classified ATPP2-A2, PP2A2, PP2-A2, AN3 0.8905856855307605 63 Mp7g16440.1 not classified BLH6 0.8899529743454919 74 Mp1g24840.1 not classified HEMA1, GluTR, AtHEMA1 0.8878342189181351 61 Mp4g20590.1 EC_6.1 ligase forming carbon-oxygen bond. cysteine-tRNA ligase FIONA, SYCO ARATH 0.8875707643738142 77 Mp4g09800.1 not classified 0.8870174548213048 64 Mp8g11210.1 not classified CYP96A3 0.8846756969629792 74 Mp6g14240.1 not classified 0.8830860767840752 72 Mp2g15430.1 homogentisate solanesyltransferase *(HST) PDS2, ATHST, HST 0.8816530236266654 75 Mp1g23340.1 not classified 0.8757631931053368 88 Mp4g23220.1 not classified GPS1, CYP705A22 0.8703859320863875 99