Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr Mp7g13450.1 M28-class carboxypeptidase 0.9077045354981714 2 Mp4g10170.1 large subunit epsilon of AP-4 vacuole cargo adaptor complex AP4E 0.8920807417918566 68 Mp4g18650.1 not classified ATL85 0.867344773753573 49 Mp4g15390.1 solute transporter *(NIPA) ENOR3L5 0.8526053135618586 97 Mp1g10290.1 regulatory component *(VIR) of adenosine N6-methyltransferase complex VIR, EMB2016 0.8491457665741221 77 Mp6g10430.1 not classified Kin7.2 0.8418680126049103 34 Mp4g19030.1 not classified SMG7 0.8418168784177273 89 Mp3g18030.1 not classified 0.8395104935750389 40 Mp5g09490.1 GARP-specific component *(VPS54) of GARP/EARP (Golgi-/Endosome-Associated-Retrograde-Protein) complexes ATVPS54, MTV17, VPS54 0.8356559149567283 45 Mp7g13540.1 lytic vacuole protein sorting receptor *(VSR) BP80-2;2, ATVSR3, VSR3, VSR2;2, UXS2 0.8312487666588997 76 Mp6g11320.1 not classified HB28, AtHB28, ZHD7 0.8281190526792319 66 Mp4g18640.1 not classified 0.8270873609285908 95 Mp1g00830.1 EC_2.4 glycosyltransferase. component *(DGL1) of oligosaccharyl transferase (OST) complex DGL1 0.8266435058058209 73 Mp2g06000.1 SMARCC component *(SWI3) of chromatin remodeling complex ATSWI3D, CHB3 0.8258706979050013 80 Mp8g02810.1 EC_4.1 carbon-carbon lyase. phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase PCK2, PEPCK 0.8198209094339663 90 Mp4g16020.1 not classified AtcPT6, cPT6 0.8196234495034987 91 Mp8g18410.1 not classified 0.8188622087898525 94 Mp3g16220.1 not classified TPR16, DJC31 0.8168980121134273 100