Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr Mp4g17070.1 not classified 0.9504894875001818 6 Mp4g20810.1 substrate-to-CDC48 bridging factor *(PUX3/4/5) PUX3 0.9363601934202375 9 Mp4g19310.1 not classified EFR 0.9355665945259342 9 Mp1g16560.1 NDX-type transcription factor AtMYB76, MYB76 0.9334568353040044 4 Mp1g09520.1 E3 SUMO ubiquitin ligase *(HPY2/NSE2). E3 SUMO ubiquitin ligase component *(HYP2/NSE2) of homologous recombination repair Smc5-Smc6 complex NSE2, MMS21, ATMMS21, HPY2 0.9221471475707821 11 Mp5g15800.1 component *(RRP43) of exosome EXO9 core complex 0.9211270305223993 6 Mp3g15440.1 EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group. TLK protein kinase TSL 0.920398557920192 35 Mp1g09260.1 not classified PNET3 0.9177305898813852 51 Mp5g02980.1 nucleotide exchange factor *(Sil1) 0.9138751703611899 88 Mp4g00980.1 not classified CeQORH 0.9136714742199353 10 Mp5g09700.1 component *(SMC3/TTN7) of cohesin regulator complex TTN7, SMC3 0.912909889904253 19 Mp1g06140.1 not classified MYB53, AtMYB53 0.9116554305828675 45 Mp3g04830.1 not classified 0.9115415557161806 88 Mp2g09060.1 not classified ECT3 0.9109360354256423 50 Mp4g15640.1 EC_3.1 hydrolase acting on ester bond CCoAOMT1 0.9101779998636484 15 Mp1g02210.1 catalytic component *(CDKF) of cyclin-dependent kinase complex. EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group ATSK12, SK12 0.9093009705099871 16 Mp2g19320.1 not classified LIG6, AtLIG6 0.9080707439345972 17 Mpzg00070.1 not classified RH1, ATRH1 0.9065257456209465 79 Mp6g14260.1 not classified CRD1, ACSF, CHL27 0.9062146177777698 56 Mp1g08580.1 not classified CYP74A, AOS, DDE2 0.9055142201256359 20 Mp8g01670.1 component *(ELP2) of ELONGATOR transcription elongation complex AtELP2, ELP2 0.9035882053812052 21 Mp8g15170.1 component *(GCN5/ADA4) of SAGA transcription co-activator complex HAG01, HAT1, HAC3, HAG1, BGT, GCN5 0.9035447677872234 30 Mp1g09390.1 component *(DDW) of ISWI chromatin remodeling complex 0.9024087067020946 23 Mp3g04100.1 regulatory protein *(LNO1) of mRNA export. nucleoporin of nuclear pore complex *(NUP214) 0.9023909449081196 24 Mp4g21320.1 peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase *(CYP21-3). EC_5.2 cis-trans-isomerase CYP71, AtCYP71 0.902144211241833 60 Mp3g07380.1 type-II inositol-polyphosphate 5-phosphatase. EC_3.1 hydrolase acting on ester bond FRA3 0.9017491667666171 27 Mp8g04110.1 pre-mRNA-processing protein *(LUC7) ZCCHC8A 0.9011065355917194 28 Mp5g17860.1 not classified 0.9004824204604388 29 Mp3g25510.1 not classified 0.8996024054506954 30 Mpzg01040.1 not classified 0.8996024054506954 31 Mp1g21470.1 component *(SWC2) of SWR1 chromatin remodeling complex OCP3 0.898860994833527 32 Mp2g16820.1 not classified 0.8982635956724729 76 Mp4g10200.1 not classified MED25, PFT1 0.8967860664702793 47 Mp7g16180.1 component *(SNU23) of U4/U6.U5 tri-snRNP complex 0.8964842284361056 36 Mp3g13720.1 not classified 0.8961560560886148 37 Mp4g18430.1 not classified PIR121, ATSRA1, LPL2, KLK, SRA1, PIR, PIRP 0.8956624535806453 38 Mp3g02200.1 not classified IRE3 0.8920177008040401 41 Mp1g00050.1 not classified AFP1 0.8909453713518181 43 Mp7g08450.1 not classified DRB4, ATTIF3K1 0.890526235258959 44 Mp2g11060.1 component *(CPSF73-II) of Cleavage and Polyadenylation Specificity Factor (CPSF) complex ATCPSF73-II, EDA26, CPSF73-II 0.8895504058306067 45 Mp2g21950.1 not classified MYC4 0.8861065865390478 99 Mp1g08890.1 WRKY-type transcription factor LOF1, AtMYB117, MYB117 0.8856749271608512 48 Mp1g08520.1 component *(TRO/ASH2) of COMPASS histone trimethylation complex ASH2R, TRAUCO, TRO 0.8854247230118699 49 Mp4g20510.1 component *(ArpC1) of Arp2/3 actin polymerization initiation complex ARPC1B, ARPC1 0.8848746153217406 50 Mp4g04850.1 substrate adaptor *(-DILLO) of SCF E3 ubiquitin ligase complex FBX5, ARABIDILLO-1, ARABIDILLO1 0.8848075796106739 94 Mp6g06260.1 not classified HPAT3 0.8838038140799139 88 Mp3g15310.1 not classified 0.8835487964958593 75 Mp3g07480.1 associated plant-specific component *(PAWH) of E3 ubiquitin ligase complex PAWH1 0.8827296043391608 60 Mp3g08460.1 not classified ATL89 0.8826891815453196 57 Mp4g10190.1 protein S-acyltransferase *(PAT23/24) TIP1 0.8821582866505852 58 Mp8g18530.1 not classified 0.8803015750155508 62 Mp3g23550.1 not classified 0.878848219631528 63 Mp4g08390.1 EC_3.5 hydrolase acting on carbon-nitrogen bond, other than peptide bond. neutral ceramidase *(NCER) AtNCER2 0.878562014227696 84 Mp1g01600.1 regulatory protein *(BAGP) of BAG6-dependent plant immunity BAGP1 0.8783860153199654 66 Mp5g08410.1 NAC-type transcription factor SND5, NAC099, anac099 0.8777382766205765 67 Mp5g11610.1 not classified 0.875342651614716 70 Mp3g08600.1 not classified 0.8753022841056701 98 Mp2g11040.1 phospholipid:sterol acyltransferase ERP1, PSAT1, ATPSAT1 0.8749411157324629 92 Mp7g13540.1 lytic vacuole protein sorting receptor *(VSR) BP80-2;2, ATVSR3, VSR3, VSR2;2, UXS2 0.8732292693857318 76 Mp1g24150.1 EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group. SCY1 protein kinase SCYL2A 0.872453942041992 77 Mp6g18920.1 not classified CBP60f 0.8719481783292099 79 Mp4g13280.1 not classified 0.8715220884248238 80 Mp1g23720.1 not classified 0.8710980920481786 84 Mp2g15530.1 component *(Sec23) of Sec23/24 cargo adaptor subcomplex AtSEC23G 0.8707704217161983 85 Mp3g07560.1 not classified PRZ1, ADA2B 0.870364041682554 87 Mp1g03390.1 not classified CRR21 0.870174250010048 88 Mp8g15610.1 SMARCC component *(SWI3) of chromatin remodeling complex SWI3A, ATSWI3A, CHB1 0.8699929636460569 91 Mp7g13550.1 inositol phosphorylceramide glucuronosyltransferase *(IPUT1) MOCA1, PGSIP6, IPUT1 0.8694765946862196 92 Mp1g29190.1 deacetylase component *(HDA19) of SNL-HDA19 histone deacetylase complex. component *(HDA6) of histone deacetylation complex. histone deacetylase *(HDA8). EC_3.5 hydrolase acting on carbon-nitrogen bond, other than peptide bond ATHDA19, HD1, HDA1, HDAC19, HDA19, RPD3A, ATHD1 0.8694522534786148 93 Mp6g03040.1 not classified 0.8690445789101224 94 Mp1g28050.1 not classified 0.8684646902435971 99 Mp2g25930.1 scaffold component *(TFB3) of TFIIh basal transcription factor complex. scaffold component *(TFB3) of CAK kinase module 0.868206462589416 100