Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr Mp4g15730.1 aminopeptidase *(APP). EC_3.4 hydrolase acting on peptide bond (peptidase) ATAPP1, APP1 0.8726439980928419 82 Mp5g07630.1 not classified AGL13 0.8659634797049136 99 Mp3g09180.1 not classified NAC1, ANAC022, anac021 0.8640982087718899 64 Mp4g02250.1 accessory component *(RHL1) of meiotic topoisomerase-VI complex HYP7, RHL1 0.8471591709570457 50 Mp4g11860.1 not classified SHA, ATSHA, STATLA 0.8415335292174037 11 Mp7g03570.1 not classified CRWN1, KAKU2, LINC1, AtLINC1 0.8067717435902809 48 Mp6g01860.1 not classified PGR 0.7957727861094853 70 Mp5g17390.1 regulatory component *(RPN11) of 26S proteasome 0.7921023406776756 84