Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr Mp1g21780.1 not classified SUB1 0.9377026720716939 15 Mp1g28530.1 not classified 0.9188239918418286 7 Mp5g20910.1 not classified PRPL11 0.9105118517996408 69 Mp8g07480.1 not classified 0.9074782590978924 54 Mp6g21390.1 regulatory component *(VPS30/ATG6) of PI3-kinase vesicle nucleation complex I/II ATG6, AtBECLIN1, ATATG6, BECLIN1 0.9022879756113346 89 Mp7g15870.1 regulatory component *(AIPP3) of chromatin silencing regulator complex AIPP3, RVR1, BDT1 0.9014689572030286 22 Mp1g00240.1 EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group 0.9011302379766704 21 Mp7g19080.1 phosphate transporter *(PHO1). phosphate transporter *(PHO) PHO1, ATPHO1 0.9007527562337874 8 Mp7g15890.1 not classified FBP, AtcFBP, cyfbp, FINS1 0.8994337733156995 94 Mp2g19930.1 xanthoxin oxidase molybdopterin sulfurase *(ABA3). molybdopterin sulfurase *(ABA3) LOS5, SIR3, ACI2, ABA3, ATABA3, AtLOS5, GIN5 0.8935386004632371 99 Mp6g15610.1 not classified LTI45, ERD10, LTI29 0.8920499657630612 32 Mp7g07570.1 not classified 0.8840716777312512 49 Mp2g03240.1 not classified IMB3, KETCH1, EMB2734 0.879567425933523 16 Mp8g16390.1 not classified UBDK GAMMA 7, ATPI4K GAMMA 7, PI4K GAMMA 7 0.8777383353686086 82 Mp1g16230.1 MAP-kinase protein phosphatase VLN2, ATVLN2 0.8725615220707583 23 Mp5g09990.1 not classified 0.8690108199378093 25 Mp4g04900.1 storage vacuole protein sorting receptor *(RMR) RMR2 0.8664521162871731 28 Mp2g25960.1 not classified 0.8660708686066526 30 Mp2g06120.1 not classified TRM26 0.8604107263901639 71 Mp4g15940.1 lipid droplet-associated factor *(LDAP) SRP3, LDAP3 0.8583789569062341 43 Mp4g23120.1 not classified 0.8580886118044637 89 Mp5g07570.1 not classified MEE35, TCP4 0.8555510843614249 97 Mp4g20680.1 not classified 0.8456809064419716 82 Mp7g06110.1 methionine R-enantiomer sulfoxide reductase *(MsrB) MSRB1, ATMSRB1 0.8453568114428055 85 Mp1g07930.1 not classified 0.8396099368221863 97 Mp5g19500.1 not classified ENODL2, AtENODL2 0.8384651026100823 99