Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr Mp3g08660.1 not classified 0.9418311217431641 2 Mp1g26010.1 not classified FMO GS-OX4 0.9196762330164301 5 Mp8g15730.1 not classified 0.9192561648123931 10 Mp1g11770.1 not classified BBD2, AtBBD2 0.9101320402797004 44 Mp1g22440.1 not classified PP2A-4 0.8827294023399299 67 Mp1g10940.1 not classified 0.8825535986632592 80 Mp5g14050.1 not classified 0.8775725072246974 49 MpVg00070.1 TL2, ATL2 0.8758929545127906 20 Mp3g01600.1 not classified ATSC35, At-SC35, SC35 0.8737429044859993 16 Mp2g14910.1 not classified 0.870311177200448 35 Mp4g13950.1 EC_3.2 glycosylase 0.8650063621791586 70 Mp2g15010.1 not classified 0.8626825975758883 28 Mp5g16570.1 C1-class subclass RD21/XCP thiol protease. EC_3.4 hydrolase acting on peptide bond (peptidase) RD21B 0.8625022954521696 38 Mp2g13170.1 inositol transporter *(INT) ATINT2, INT2 0.861747199827349 100 Mp3g17220.1 not classified ZIP2, ATVPS41, ATVAM2, VAM2, VPS41 0.8597950521658526 44 Mp5g18660.1 mTERF-type transcription factor 0.8592145396826384 64 Mp6g19720.1 not classified 0.8548624692698406 99 Mp5g05930.1 autophagosome ubiquitin-fold protein *(ATG8) ATG8C 0.8528203918321721 42 Mp2g21710.1 not classified 0.8501248041887518 56 Mp4g11120.1 EC_1.14 oxidoreductase acting on paired donor with incorporation or reduction of molecular oxygen 0.8453194028518314 87 Mp5g02140.1 methionyl-tRNA formyltransferase pde194 0.8424982059731181 98 Mp4g09530.1 not classified 0.8417751883334526 68 Mp2g02940.1 not classified 0.8402164467639076 98 Mp7g18850.1 cationic amino acid transporter *(CAT) CAT2, AtCAT2 0.8385125881074775 58 Mp1g14180.1 not classified ATMYB91, LL2, AS1, ATPHAN, MYB91 0.8380016374416517 61 Mp5g02150.1 methionyl-tRNA formyltransferase pde194 0.8343939754480321 71 Mp1g24540.1 protease *(RBL) 0.8342172233595287 72 Mp3g00920.1 cyt-b561 electron shuttle hemoprotein *(CYBASC) IRX15-L 0.8298467538276082 76 Mp5g03890.1 not classified WXR3, RUS1 0.8280118851258936 84 Mp2g08980.1 EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group. PDK protein kinase PDK1, ATPDK1 0.8257669737445902 90 Mp4g10600.1 not classified PROSCOOP2 0.8257112216252269 91