Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr Mp7g10530.1 chaperone (NAS2) involved in proteasome regulatory particle assembly FH19, AtFH19 0.7789653784762423 43 Mp1g23380.1 dienoyl-CoA isomerase DCI1, ATDCI1 0.7662361778221514 48 Mp7g07470.1 pterin-4-alpha-carbinolamine dehydratase. EC_4.2 carbon-oxygen lyase 0.7622705767601441 8 Mp6g01050.1 component *(MED7) of middle module of MEDIATOR transcription co-activator complex MED7A 0.7551484584770023 14 Mp5g18160.1 not classified ROCK1, TEX2 0.7549193801258353 50 Mp5g10010.1 not classified 0.7481729171103555 29 Mp2g20090.1 chaperone HSCB of mitochondrial ISC system transfer phase LST8-1 0.7459904175927917 9 Mp1g02820.1 chromatin remodeling factor *(SMARCAL1) CHA18, CHR18 0.7453567611296384 46 Mp7g11240.1 EC_3.1 hydrolase acting on ester bond. trifunctional methylthioribulose-1-phosphate dehydratase/enolase/phosphatase *(DEP) DEP1 0.7415498392979626 58 Mp7g18230.1 component *(Pex14) of cargo-receptor docking complex HSFB2B, HSF7, AT-HSFB2B 0.7353457969737487 63 Mp2g24160.1 not classified 0.7278372094787223 12 Mp3g00040.1 not classified MIZ1 0.7175602734678814 58 Mp2g21930.1 not classified NAP12, ATNAP12 0.6962738615514461 85 Mp1g27270.1 EC_1.14 oxidoreductase acting on paired donor with incorporation or reduction of molecular oxygen 0.6905972316937267 26 Mp8g02460.1 not classified 0.6896588215132696 27 Mp2g18820.1 organellar tryptophan-tRNA ligase OVA4 0.6813177067876175 81 Mp1g27260.1 not classified ATXID, XID 0.6785231064287008 34 Mp2g25560.1 preprotein processing peptidase *(ICP55). EC_3.4 hydrolase acting on peptide bond (peptidase) 0.6696877833993755 77 Mp6g03150.1 linker histone *(H1) H1.1, HON1 0.6576830362602342 66 Mp6g04560.1 EC_4.4 carbon-sulfur lyase ACS1, AT-ACS1 0.6372344014058302 79 Mp8g02470.1 not classified 0.6305702908503781 89 Mp3g01980.1 not classified YCF32, PSBY 0.6248086032482177 99