Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr Mp5g19920.1 UMF23-type solute transporter 0.7915984793506345 2 Mp1g22010.1 not classified AtCXE16, CXE16 0.7542734936164054 2 Mp1g28000.1 not classified 0.7473761280104506 8 Mp6g12090.1 channel component *(MCU) of MCU calcium uniporter complex MCU2 0.7428674308811527 12 Mp1g16800.1 regulatory protein *(HY5) of UV-B signal transduction. bZIP class-H HY5-type transcription factor RH37 0.7351230966806045 22 Mp3g23170.1 not classified ATMYB61, MYB61 0.7343189218774352 54 Mp1g15490.1 zinc metalloprotease *(PGM48) PGM48 0.7033312854837729 56 Mp3g21830.1 shikimate kinase. EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group UBP13, AtUBP13 0.7027113670771256 38 Mp6g12080.1 not classified ICME-LIKE2 0.6929529997331226 43 Mp8g06940.1 endoribonuclease *(EndoV) 0.6881643246578989 29 Mp5g08120.1 not classified 0.6784415452435152 17 Mp5g15610.1 not classified 0.666951799878552 66 Mp2g09910.1 MAP-kinase protein phosphatase MKP1, ATMKP1 0.6617216679822902 79 Mp5g02790.1 E3 ubiquitin ligase *(STUBL1/3) 0.65731568024902 100 Mp5g15730.1 chloride anion channel *(VCCN) AtVCCN1, BEST 0.6408967105971574 87 Mp7g02480.1 not classified 0.6371731653173142 49 Mp2g21670.1 RALF/RALFL precursor polypeptide 0.6337930031928686 51 Mp1g20820.1 not classified 0.6293755324370729 75 Mp1g28030.1 Rab GTPase-activating protein 0.6205045779302755 69 Mp4g13880.1 HRT-type transcription factor AtACBP1, ACBP, ACBP1 0.6165769110954954 73 Mp7g10320.1 not classified 0.612680809163797 80 Mp1g03310.1 not classified 0.6083198627956676 84