Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr Mp4g19050.1 not classified BRX-LIKE2, ATBRXL2, BRXL2 0.848631405745763 24 Mp1g27030.1 not classified 0.8386304000530318 11 Mp2g04820.1 not classified AITR4, DIL3 0.8302855018268038 46 Mp7g05110.1 not classified GPDL1, GDPDL4, SVL1 0.8287122553908688 9 Mp1g10480.1 not classified TCP5 0.8243491038028479 72 Mp5g17660.1 not classified TPS3, ATTPS3 0.8056120011555851 68 Mp4g12750.1 not classified CW14 0.8042849648810212 22 Mp7g02350.1 not classified 0.7921600676571896 43 Mp3g14880.1 not classified SRK2A, SNRK2-4, ASK1, SNRK2.4 0.7913107932731319 83 Mp3g24040.1 aureusidin synthase 0.7699254610737094 81 Mp6g03410.1 component *(Symplekin/Pta1) of Cleavage and Polyadenylation Specificity Factor (CPSF) complex TANG1 0.7618860776631452 98