Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr Mp6g15610.1 not classified LTI45, ERD10, LTI29 0.9540052235050266 1 Mp6g09650.1 not classified PUB11 0.9378346365794876 5 Mp7g05680.1 not classified 0.9320830915845941 16 Mp2g26550.1 not classified 0.9317430616946952 39 Mp2g06950.1 not classified PSE1 0.9249708063666471 21 Mp7g19080.1 phosphate transporter *(PHO1). phosphate transporter *(PHO) PHO1, ATPHO1 0.9209358397062455 6 Mp3g08780.1 not classified 0.9188239918418286 7 Mp1g08080.1 not classified 0.9160260345985098 33 Mp8g11710.1 not classified ARRPS1, RPS1, PRPS1 0.9131895333328328 89 Mp1g21780.1 not classified SUB1 0.911880859001508 62 Mp2g19680.1 not classified 0.9088716377388368 30 Mp7g06110.1 methionine R-enantiomer sulfoxide reductase *(MsrB) MSRB1, ATMSRB1 0.9073844005131622 12 Mp8g13910.1 not classified 0.9047441823530754 70 Mp7g01120.1 pheophorbide a oxygenase *(PAO) ACD1, LLS1, PAO 0.9036400159307957 34 Mp8g13900.1 not classified CTF18 0.900618802159734 52 Mp8g16770.1 not classified MGT1, MRS2-10, ATMGT1 0.9001810158241792 64 Mp5g22120.1 component *(SPT4) of SPT4/5 transcription elongation factor complex SPT4-1 0.9000775118250585 49 Mp2g19930.1 xanthoxin oxidase molybdopterin sulfurase *(ABA3). molybdopterin sulfurase *(ABA3) LOS5, SIR3, ACI2, ABA3, ATABA3, AtLOS5, GIN5 0.8962830268672842 87 Mp4g15940.1 lipid droplet-associated factor *(LDAP) SRP3, LDAP3 0.8941555538341497 23 Mp7g16750.1 not classified HSP17.8 0.8856748703314801 29 Mp1g07380.1 DNA helicase *(MOM1) chr13, SRCAP, PIE1 0.8844990184509977 36 Mp8g16390.1 not classified UBDK GAMMA 7, ATPI4K GAMMA 7, PI4K GAMMA 7 0.8842114367079277 55 Mp2g00250.1 not classified NDHF 0.883766646507641 94 Mp8g02500.1 not classified BGLU31 0.8819288009074125 53 Mp1g16740.1 not classified 0.8797133293883286 79 Mp2g01730.1 not classified 0.876884603833587 91 Mp1g00240.1 EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group 0.8765586061849276 65 Mp3g20610.1 E3 ubiquitin ligase *(RFI2) VQ9 0.8750314374915844 53 Mp7g03090.1 not classified CYP79C1 0.8698145883271259 98 Mp1g07920.1 not classified AtFDB27 0.867222049460481 61 Mp1g15310.1 not classified 0.8662694054739829 65 Mp1g08090.1 sulfhydryl oxidase ERV1 of mitochondrial ISC system export machinery. sulfhydryl oxidase *(ERV1) EMB3106, Erv1, AtErv1 0.8636419337862719 67 Mp1g00300.1 not classified DRN-LIKE, DRNL, BOL, ESR2, SOB2 0.8616791075576515 71 Mp4g06760.1 component *(RPA1) of single-stranded-DNA binding RPA complex. component *(RPA1) of RPA presynaptic filament assembly factor complex RPA1A, RPA70A, ATRPA70A, ATRPA1A 0.8586668614260068 96 Mp2g06120.1 not classified TRM26 0.8586045851463511 78 Mp8g09180.1 not classified ATDGK3, DGK3 0.855929340779505 89 Mp4g04900.1 storage vacuole protein sorting receptor *(RMR) RMR2 0.8496957914383197 95